Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

No, it’s the main reason. Our job isn’t to be art critics. The criteria clarification calls it vandalism and art that “isn’t intentional.”

My interpretation of the criteria is that tags and scribbles are not eligible, end of. Does not meet critiera because not a good place to socialise exercise, or explore. They are temporary in places with the budget and manpower to clean them off, but there are plenty of places where they would remain for months and years.

I guess you are telling me that this is why I am getting so many disagreements, because Im saying something is not eligible and others are rejecting it in some specific way that I am not using. So in order to get an acceptance agreement you just accept things, but in order to get a reject agreement you have to choose the same reason as others?

What happens if there are multiple valid reasons to reject something? Who gets the disagreement there?

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since this is going to be a long debate, i decided to change topic for all sakes :slight_smile:
isn’t the issue with long loading times and error messages fixed? it’s slowly starting to re-appear

I guess I’m frustrated that you have to pick the same reason as others or be punished with a rating drop when in practice you said the same thing - this thing doesnt deserve to be a waypoint which is surely the point of the review to come up with a yes or no.

And yes Im getting a lot of errors and bouncing balloon, and my challenge progress is set to 0 at the moment too. Some of the items on the review screen wont load too.

There is a secret, is not slowly starting to re-appear, it have been always there :slight_smile:

ahh, now i understand. and there was never fixed, only working to be fixed… now makes sense. Thank you Wise One :upside_down_face:

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German Wayfarer here. I still have a bunch of submissions in queue, some from months ago. I haven’t seen more go into voting than usual just that the ones in voting are decided on faster.

It’s also astonishing how much international reviewers seem to refuse to inform themselves about the countries they vote on. So far I’ve had eight surefire trail markers declined which are eligible on the basis all three categories and multiple AMAs. “Generic business,” “no consensus,” “unsafe access” (on a hiking trail?!). The lack of Street View in Germany also makes some stubborn international reviewers who are spoiled by SV mass reject submissions. I’m happy for Niantic challenges freeing the queues but what is the use if I have to resubmit a dozen Wayspots after the challenge ended only to have them voted on fairly?


i’m not sure how should i inform myself more or what do you mean by that.
but yes, the lack of street view or a clear satelite view it’s very bias for every person to accept a submission or not.
Also seen many submissions of trail makers with no desciption or barely any informations provided to it.
Also many with nothing into the Supporting information side where we should get more proves that exists.
So i’m sorry if many trail markers get rejected, but maybe it’s mostly because of the lack of effort from the submitter to provide information


It’s not against you or anyone here in specific for that matter. But there are multiple posts about typical trail markers in Germany and how they look in this forum. So “generic business” or “temporary display” or “not unique” should immediately be out the window. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…
I make sure to always provide images which make it clear where the marker is set up. Usually there are street name signs in the support photo or at least landmark buildings/ features making the position rather obvious. On top of that, in most cases you can see a shadow cast from the pole on the satellite image. In extreme cases, I also provide a url to the entire trail map which can easily be cross-referenced to make sure the submission is on the trail. Still, such markers had been rejected due to reviewers allegedly being unable to determine the location. During the last reviewer challenge in Germany there were some international Wayfarers in this forum openly admitting to refusing to do any cross-referencing and just rejecting any submission without Street View. This combined with the fact that I’ve never had these issues with German reviewers leads me to believe it’s an extranational issue.
Some international reviewers also seem to deem any street without a sidewalk as “unsafe” even though most of them have reduced traffic speeds and are in residential zones. And that’s just the way it is in Europe.

I have reviewed 200 right now and most of my reviews were from Germany and local ones, so I’m not seeing problems related with Germany reviews number, apart of the ! errors, bouncing balloons, etc.

I’m skipping any that I’m not 100% sure on unfortunately.

I’d prefer not to but less so than rejecting a perfectly acceptable marker.

I’m getting mostly German edits mixed in with UK nominations and some US and Japanese submissions.

Same for me. My rating dropped when I was reviewing all the memorial benches and cemeteries. I have never had my rating drop. I believe it is tied to bugs in the challenge with nominations that can’t resolve and therefore cant become agreements.


Awwww okay that makes me feel way better, thankyou for telling me!!
I was thinking I was doing something wrong and got scared to review, but since you are an ambassador that points to this being a challenge issue as your reviews would be accurate

Ambassadors are not perfect. Although I make sure to stay familiar with the criteria, there’s a lot of room for interpretation.

What makes me think this is so weird is what I saw with my aunt. I talked her into reviewing for the challenge to get free incubators. So I sat and helped her register for Wayfarer and then sat next to her while she did her first 38 reviews so she could ask for help. Normally I don’t expect to see the same reviews myself with so many reviewing. I then took a break from reviewing myself and got into wayfarer the next morning. I was shocked that I saw nearly the exact same batch of cemeteries and memorial benches. There’s just no way those nominations should have been unresolved after more than 12 hours!

I had even joked the night before that I was apparently training my aunt to be a gatekeeper because, with my advice, she rejected all but 2 of the nominations she saw. I have always been a bit easier than the average reviewer and accept more than I reject, so this felt really, really weird.


I have also noticed getting the same things to review as my friend.

I am also someone who accepts things more often than rejects. I get to review a lot of things like trail markers that are supposed to be eligible, but people tend to find reasons to reject them.

However, I also found myself rejecting quite a lot during this challenge. Suddenly, my rating dropped, seemingly because of this.

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At this rate it looks like we wont reach the final community tier only 85k community resolved! :smiley:

There’s something amiss.

I’ve been able to review a lot quicker than in other challenges due to edits being added this time

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More than just the constant ! Retry?

It just seems odd that we are at such a low level with the added edits in.

might be because of this loading screen and error messages struggle…
my first challenge, but seems to be the challenge against the system than the reviews :frowning: