Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

You can see the counter in the Showcase section. There it tells you the progress.

are we doing mexico also?

 a Japanese player put this as a description on a PokĂ©Stop :') They don’t know what to invent! (This is report for Abuse)

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I find locally I reject things that don’t meet criteria then they end up in the games and it’s likely the community accepted it. Mostly bland benches etc.

The system is set up to encourage you to get agreements for upgrades. For those who actually want the upgrades you have to consider what meets criteria but then also what the community will pick. I complain at length to others about this :rofl:
I want to pick what I think/hear meets the criteria but obtaining upgrades/agreements might not happen then. I know many in my community just want more portals/stops/gyms etc. If you can exercise in a public place why would the basic memorial bench not be approved?! Especially since it was in the past etc.
I have done 1123 reviews for this challenge, which doesn’t include the many I got for my home location. My rating hasn’t changed. Perhaps because agreements in my area can take up to 1 year to trickle in.


I don’t want to give you an advice because I don’t even know how the wayfarer culture in Germany. But here in my place, every place has a GSV. So submitting something that do not have a GSV means that we (as a submitter) need to present our case to the reviewer. In order to win our case, we need to provide as many as information we can give into our supportive information. Because on the supporting information (consist of supporting photo (in ingress, the game asks you to take a photo of surrounding area) and supporting info (in ingress it asks you why your nomination is important, it ask you to communicate this message clearly to the reviewer) that you can packed with your argument) you can communicate your argument to the reviewer.

Last time when google streetview apps make a photosphere of a place, I usually make one photosphere in nearby area where our submission located and have it uploaded in gmaps. The GSV usually will guide the reviewer to our photosphere.

If photosphere is difficult to make, we can use other things. So to make it life easier to the reviewer, usually photo of surrounding area I replace with a very high resolution of photo collage consist of a timestamp photo of the portal using GPS map camera and a screenshot of the satellite view showing where the coordinate showing by this GPS map camera located. In the case of lucky coincidence, sometimes a glimpse of the POI can be seen from the GSV but not straight forward, I mean still people can easily rejected the nomination by saying inaccurate location or worst fake nomination; in case like this I made a very high resolution of photo collage consist of a timestamp photo of the portal using GPS map camera and screenshot of the GSV that showing this glimpse of the POI and make a comparison of the object feature so that reviewer can agree that this is the same object that I am presenting to them.

In the supporting info I fill with whatever information I can to persuade the reviewer. However, I want to give you an advice. In case you can’t fill in information inside this supporting photo and supporting info because you have a lot fact and argument to share, try to make a post inside (a service created by telegram to write an article so that you can share with anyone) and politely ask them to read it. Inside this post, you can freely write anything to convince the reviewer that our object is valid at the location that we give it to them.

Hope it helps, because for reviewer like me, unable to verify the correct location of an object is equal to rejection.

Where is the option to break threads up into pages? It’s not in settings, and this thread is massively HUGE!!!

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I am amazed by the amount of poor wayspots I am finding already on the map. I mean one airport in Mexico had practically every store on the map and half of them were chains.
I have found this challenge quite interesting but also challenging. For me it is hard to know what is private property. In Japan, I noticed some restaurants look like houses to me, but upon further review I can see google photos of the inside and they are actually restaurants. So that was quite interesting. Same for some of the newer locations. With satellite quality being poor and streetview limited it is hard to determine what a SFPRP is when a mural is there or if it’s a business.
I am curious how old some of these edits/nominations are since everyone knows we all want to be able to retract/remove some of our edits in queue. So many location edits for churches (igreja)! Learning some new words though.
Also to note I have had so many description and title edits that try and tell me where the location is. This clearly means we need some sort of comment box. Although, I guess that would also sway the evaluator. Some of the edits are not even at the appropriate location. Would be nice if the evaluator could select the location and if enough did the same it would change


agree, too many location edit, but with false location, they move the right wayspot location to different location

I would not be surprised if there are players submitting things like this in Sendai for GO Fest later this month.

This is my first Wayfarer challenge since I joined the community. I enjoyed review. The street view where you can see a lot cultural monument around the the three places. I don’t think I am doing that bad. All the way from South Africa

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did we now start in brazill? Clearly we in brazill now. I thought quality of streetview was bad in america and germany, but this really are only the main streets.

This is preposterous. Do you have information on the Wayspot that had this submission? May be the title or the lat/lon? @seaprincesshnb

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@margxt is the one who encountered it

I found endless scroll annoying as well. To combat that, I hit CMD + down arrow (Mac) but you can probably do CTRL + page down on a PC to get to the bottom of the page.

You can always grab the scroll bar and drag it to the bottom too.

What would you do with this:

If you’re on desktop, you have a timeline at the right side you can drag

On mobile you see it by tapping this

Very strange

Ugh, reject for Inappropriate? I dont want to be an art critic but i also dont want to ever send someone a gift with an image of a gxn-toting woman.

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Yes. Very strange. I mean it’s art, but the feminina autonom hold a w3apon. Right stuff for niantic?