It looks pretty useful but I’m not seeing how to accomplish it.
Are you referring to how to capture more of a webpage in a mobile screenshot?
If so, on Android at least, after taking a screenshot of a webpage, there are four icons that appear on the bottom of the screen; the 4th icon is an up/down arrow. tapping that will allow me to expand or crop the captured screenshot area.
annoyingly my phone won’t let me screenshot these buttons, but on my phone there are only two “Scroll” and “Share” and if I tap scroll then it starts slowly scrolling down the page and has a button to stop it.
When I take a screenshot on my android, there’s a button underneath it in the bottom right corner which says “expanded screenshot”. If I tap that, it takes a long screenshot until it either reaches a length limit or I tap the screen to stop it.
Hm. That’s what I’m looking for, I think, but I’ve never seen that. When I hit the button combo for screen cap it just happens. There’s no dialog at all as there is on my mac.
Tap on the screenshot in the corner before it disappears to bring up that dialog for editing the ss
Thank you!
I still haven’t managed to make it work but at least now I see what you’re talking about.