How to promote a pokestop into a gym

I believe that those two pokestops are now in the same area/cell or whatever you call them

Gillsätra områdeskartan

Vilka färger ?

this is the location of one of them (59.282645, 17.909739), what do I have to do in order to make one of them to turn into a gym ?

thank you in advanced !


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In short, this won’t happen. You have 2 gyms already in that area which is the most you can have with the amount of PokéStops you have.

These ones won’t become gyms, and this forum isn’t the place to request them to be so as the team can’t change it.

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I am not requesting, I just seek understanding, and if this post is still in a wrong place I would love to tell me where shall I post it instead ?

I checked further, do you mean that there 18 or 19 pokestops in the bigger area including 2 gyms, that is why there cannot be a new gym ?

How many more pokestops I need to be able to get a third gym ?
And how can I control which specific pokestop among them to be the new gym.

Thank you again !

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This article explains gym creation:

tl:dr you get gyms at 2, 6, and 20 pokethings in an L14 S2 cell

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This is a good article

In a S2 level 14
Once 2 level 17 cells with a Pokestop, 1 of them becomes a gym
Once you add another 4 cells to give 6 another pokestop becomes a gym
Then if a further 14 are added to give 20 a third gym is made. That is the maximum “natural” gyms
If a sponsor pays for more gyms in a S2 level 14 that already has 3 gyms they will appear in addition.
However if it the cell had yet to get a 3rd gym then the sponsored gym counts as a 3rd gym and no more natural ones will happen.

If you have a a very careful explore around the area you might start to find other things and you can hopefully submit more wayspots. You might reach your target for another gym.
So go out and look around.


Unfortunately there isnt really a way to control which becomes the next gym once you reach that threshold. Ive been told adding additional photos and/or thumbing up current photos might help a specific pokething to become a gym or that pokethings with more interaction with others are prioritized but there is nothing afaik to confirm these ideas. So I cant say for certain if they actually do help and by how much if they do.

There was a statement calling out trying to manipulate which become the gym as abuse on the old forum. Here is the Wayback link:

I don’t see anything discouraging adding and/or liking great photos though.

oh i see the statement i was trying to link isn’t in the preview:

NianticAaronNianticAaron Posts: 373Niantic › admin March 2021
Hey @gazzas89-PGO, It has never been an intention to be able to manipulate the in-app map to ensure a certain Wayspot becomes a Gym. Any attempt to do so is actually considered to be Wayfarer abuse and could result in your Wayfarer account termination.

We treat all in-game locations equally and they all need to meet our criteria. Our density and inclusion criteria determine which Wayspot should be included in our games and it should remain that way. Thanks,

Id hardly call using in game features that might cause the system to prioritize a certain thing over another abuse. And it certainly isnt “manipulating the in game map to ensure a certain wayspot becomes a gym”.(I was going to write here things that would apply to this…but I dont want to give other people who might actually use them bad ideas) By liking you arent editing the map at all. And to clarify when I say adding photos: Im not in anyway telling people to spam photos unnecessarily. You should still follow proper edit guidelines and be adding a photo worth adding. Not spamming the same photo or low quality photos or 6 photos all at the same time as you walk around the POI.

I completely agree with you. Just putting it out there that the statement has been made. I don’t want anyone finding themselves guilty of abuse because of doing something they learned about here.

Why does the mechanic exist if we are not supposed to use it? But all these arguments were made on that topic I linked.

And please note that I did say this ^

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And as you can see from my posts above, thats all I was suggesting.

i actually love the way you worded it. i may steal that. but add the bit about being called abuse just to be sure they understand.