Hello, I was wondering if it’s possible for already established gyms and pokestops in cell to be switched? For example there’s this place I know, it’s a park with 4 pokestops, then a couple hundred meters away in an industrial estate there’s two gyms next to each other. Would be nice if one of those gyms was a pokestop, and one of the 4 pokestops in the park was a gym. Any idea if there’s a way to appeal such a thing?
There is no way for you as an explorer to get the status switched. I do know of a case where the property owner wanted a gym reverted to a pokestop, and that happened. The other pokestop in the L14 became a gym instead.
Hello and welcome,
PoGo stops and gyms are determined using S2 cels. 1 stop is allowed per L17 S2 cell, while gyms appear in the larger L14 S2 cells, depending on the number of stops within the cell,
It seems like the 2 gyms in the industrial park may be in different L14 S2 cells with their borders close to each other. This can happen in PoGo, even with stops, that they may be very close, but still in their own cells.
More info on S2 cells in PoGo can be found here;
Lastly, as users, we have no control over how stops/gyms are placed, and if we did, this could be seen as abuse for manipulation game play, which is against the Terms of Service. The PoGo team has control over determining game play locations, which I do find to b the fairest way to determine these.
The two gyms are within the same L14 S2 cells I have verified. 4 stops at the park, and the two gyms at the industrial site all in the same square. Perhaps if I go and report one of the gyms for having restricted access which is true when the area is closed…
Restricted access is not a reason to remove a wayspot and this can be viewed as manipulation.
Is there an adjacent cell with potential?
The two gyms in the industrial estate at actually one or two meters away from the L14 S2 boundary, while the majority of the industrial estate is in its own square which needs just one pokestop nomination to become a gym lol, yay, more gyms for the industrial estate if we need…