When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:
Wayspot Title: 휘버스아파트 등나무 쉼터
Location (lat/lon): 37.471528, 126.705637
City: Incheon
Country: Korea
I want to move the approved Gym
I’ve already requested to change the location about 5 times, but it’s rejected every time. When I first applied for the stop, I should have set the exact location and applied, but I didn’t know how to apply at the time, so I located it rough.
In the case of the existing 37.471528, 126.705637, as shown in the picture below, it appears that there is a rattan shelter right next to the apartment, but when you go to the place, the location is actually wrong.
37.471494, 126.705726 For this location, there’s a flower garden right next to it, which is close to it. That’s pretty much the exact location.
Have you asked for help chat to do this move if it is a correction? If not go to Niantic Wayfarer and tap on the text bubble. You can offer them evidence. Call this a Wayspot, and only ask for the move if this is a real correction, not just a more convenient location for game play.
Oh, then your browser must be losing the history, because they always respond. I suggest you try the form linked at the top here for “Wayspot Removals” and here is the link in case the format you are using for the forum doesn’t show it:
It says “modified or removed” at the link, so you can use it for this, too. If you get an automated email that asks for your credentials as property owner after filling out that you are NOT the property owner, just ignore it.
You will have an email chain if you report this way.