Wayspot Title: Mindre stensättning
Location (lat/lon):58.915987,16.988629
City: Nyköping
Country: Sweden
Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
Additional Information (if any):
This is now the third rejection appeal which I am filing regarding POIs located on the same Single Family Private Residential property.
For background, these posts are available here
Lids lilla lekplats: https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/t/invalid-wayspot-appeal-lids-lilla-lekplats
Both of these POIs were retired.
Another POI located on the same SFPRP has recently been added, and should also be removed since it is located on the same property.
I am attaching a screenshot from the Swedish Property register which confirms that this is a single family residence, and that the POI is located within the property boundaries.
I am including a screenshot of the in-game image from this POI below for your reference.
As you can see the POI is referenced as being L1984:4610. More information can be found on this site here Stensättning (L1984:4610) Lid socken, Södermanland - FornPunkt
The text on the in-game picture corresponds to the text from this website. The website also indicates in Swedish ( Orientering : 18 m NNV om ägogräns.) which translates to Orientation: 18 m NNW of property boundary.
Based on this information, it is clear that the POI is within the property boundary, and is therefore not eligible as a POI.