Please provide:
- A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected
WWW 14 Waldarbeiter
main picture:
supporting picture:
supporting picture with highlighted post:
- Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information
- Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them
Karl Landreuter erzählt einen Witz, QR Code scannen und lachen.
translation: Karl Landreuter tells a joke, scan the QR code and laugh.
Supplemental Information
Wanderweg, Vollpfosten steht vor dem Wald
translation: Hiking trail, full post stands in front of the forest
As stated in my appeal description i could not edit it as Niantic took it too fast in review. That is why the descriptions are not very well.
Appeal text if someone wants to check:
The suggestion was taken too quickly in Niantic’s review, which is why a meaningful additional description was not possible. The actual additional information can be found here: The curly post can be found at the beginning of the forest on the left, it is best to open the additional photo. Hiking trail station, the stations are affectionately called full posts (, the trail with station map here: ---------- The numbering is taken from the YouTube videos and not from the distribution along the trail ----------------- Link to the QR code:
- If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.
see given links
Therefore I recommend some reasons why the object could not be found by several Niantic employees.