Little help?

Any reason this didn’t appear in Pokémon go? It’s been 48 hours

I think you are just a bit early for today’s sync. I bet you will see it within the hour.

Okay I don’t fully know how it works yet, I just read the “can take up to 48 hours” it’s been longer that’s all

No worries. I wouldn’t know this stuff either if not for the Wayfarer Discussion Discord. There is a cutoff time to make sync each day, and then a certain time range sync seems to happen, which is basically this hour.

However, if sync does not happen today, no worries. There is an event i just learned about in Indonesia going on, and sometimes those location based events will delay sync.

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Hopefully it appears soon :man_facepalming:t2:

okay someone reported they just saw sync - check in a bit

Thank you, hopefully it can be seen in my map ready to be accepted into Pokémon go

The wayspot is not in the database (or at least I can’t find it anywhere in the park). The only thing I can think of is that Niantic have audited it and that it might have been removed as a duplicate of the play area itself.

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It’s a completely different sign? :man_facepalming:t2:

oh thanks for checking the wayfarer app! i didn’t see that coming.

i did wonder why the coordinates given didn’t land on anything i could see, but satellite view is often out of date.

Fairly sure half the people in the forum etc will find any reason not to add a point :man_facepalming:t2:

It was a sign to represent the playground, the playground is already a waypoint. A rules sign is not eligible in of itself.

We operate based on criteria. Im sure most of us here find very many ways to add waypoints. But when they arent to be added, they aren’t.

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It is a different sign but it is for the same play area, or at least given the position it looks very much like it. Simply because there is different sign on the other side doesn’t make it acceptable as they are both for the one area.
So I think it is a duplicate.

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We really need a Wayfarer app that is meant to be used by everyone.


That is just me speculating on the reason that it isn’t there any more. Unless someone like @NianticAaron can confirm that it was removed for being a duplicate, we don’t know that this is actually what has happened. All we know is that it’s not in the database as far as we can see.

One is a sign welcoming people to the park
Second is a sign of rules and information for the park - two different things

How does a sign with park rules meet eligibility of a great place to explore, exercise, or be social with others?

I can understand if there are no other anchors to represent a park. But in this instance I don’t see it being eligible on its own.

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I could argue 95% of stops in the whole game don’t fit that criteria

Thats a sign for the playground