Malicious Wayspot Removal Appeals

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  • Wayspot Title: Hazelhurst Phoenix Community Board
  • Location: 51.42456409482522, -0.014269853480602689
  • City: Downham/Beckenham/Bromley, London
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any): Reason for removal is unknown, the community board still exists, it provides members of the community in this location updates on the services being provided to them. as well as offering a service called Chat & Chips, which is a service provided to residents and the local public alike. Photos taken yesterday by myself, this wayspot was also activated in Scaniverse for Overclock in Ingress.
  • Wayspot Title: Brethren Meeting Room
  • Location: 51.42223733684038, -0.01856918729048299
  • City: Downham/Beckenham/Bromley, London
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any): Reason for deletion unknown, presuming it has been hit by K-12 evidence to follow. The sign still exists. [edit] On Google maps I had found it had been edited on the day of removal of the wayspot putting a school football club on the grounds. 24 hours later, the school football club had been moved to the next door football pitches which ironically is also the wrong location of the club. [ Edit ] The photos of the maps have been taken using a mobile device to provide timestamps if necessary to prove this and will be supplied on request. Please note it has also been edited that the grounds are closed/temporary closed when there is no evidence that this is no longer functioning. The site is not up for sale and is still registered as religious grounds on the government land registry site.

Photos taken by the local agent yesterday.

Photos of the location of the school football club has been placed on the grounds of the worship building, then moved to the wrong location next door which is also incorrect.

Location to where the club should be located as per the school clubs website and not in either of the 2 clear moves in the above photos.

Clubs website to check for authenticity About G4 – G4 Academy

  • Wayspot Title: Brethren Meeting Room Worship Hall
  • Location: 51.423026379423725, -0.018894170864078453
  • City: Downham/Beckenham/Bromley, London
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any): Removal reason unknown, [ Edit] . The wayspot was activated for Overclock in Ingress and was visible in the predecessor wayfarer application.

Photo of building being accessed yesterday by local agent

Wayspot Title: Green Chain Walk of Stumps Hill Lane

  • Location: 51.418522550397654, -0.023261508764328677
  • City: Downham/Beckenham/Bromley, London
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any): This wayspot is part of 2 huge walking trails, the Green Chain Walk and the Capital Ring circuit that explore the parks and towns of the South East of London, suspected deletion criteria of Private Property. Green Chain Walk signs would not be permissible to be placed on Private property and can only be placed on public land. Metal signs are designed for streets and wooden posts are designed for parks for aesthetics. Meets the criteria for a trail marker and encourage exploration. The wayspot was also activated for Overclock in Ingress in the Scaniverse network.

Please note, in the location you will see 2 signs in the vicinity that denote Private property, however one sign indicates there is a private road further down, the other has been placed on public land, note that the area in question on the land registry is not in the vicinity of the nearest private residence. All photos attached from the local agent yesterday.

Wayspot Title: Rose Walk

  • Location: 51.373391, -0.012655
  • City: West Wickham
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any): a nursery/preschool has suddenly been moved on the location of this wayspot. It is quite evident on Google Maps there is no institution of any kind at this location it is a tree. [edit]

Wayspot Title: Park Road Green Chain Walk Sign and Capital Ring Trail Sign

  • Location: 51.41610774824114, -0.0338830434190358
  • City: New Beckenham
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any): Another Green Chain Walk Sign that has been targeted as above this is part of a large well known walking trail across the South of London. Meets the criteria for a trail marker and encourage exploration. Wayspot still exists photo taken by the local agent today.

Wayspot Title: Brackley Road Edward VIII Pillar Box

  • Location: 51.415316672613535, -0.025051164683895868
  • City: Beckenham/Bromley
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any): Unclear the reason for deletion on this wayspot, this is one of the oldest and very uncommon Postbox ciphers, only 150 remain within the whole of the UK, very few of these were placed within the UK as the King Edward reigned for less than 12 months before abdication, these are almost 100 years old (89 to be precise). This was also activated in Ingress as an Overclock portal in the Scaniverse network. Photo from the local agent today.

***Mod Edits to remove irrelevant references to gameplay.
The wayfarer team can view the original content if they deem it necessary.

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Welcome to the forum.

Bringing Ingress game play issues to the Wayfarer forum does not help your appeal. If you have evidence of abuse, you can submit that to help chat Niantic Wayfarer or use the reporting abuse form linked at the top here:
Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center

A reminder that the property owner can ask for Wayspots to be removed. This Housing Care place seems like the kind of place that might request that. I will leave any other comments to help with your restoration appeal to folks from that part of the world who may understand the situation better.


Hello @kevintrolls

When making an appeal you should focus on why each individual wayspot should be restored by providing evidence and not speculating on why it might have been removed. None of that is relevant.

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Was this just a generic street name sign? I ask because the road in the screenshot is called Rose Walk, and the generic signs are the only thing I can see that reference it on street view.

I would say this was probably removed because of a lack of pedestrian access. It seems to be completely enclosed by a fence and you can’t get to it. It also doesn’t appear to be a community bulletin board, but an information board for a company.

Noted, thanks I was only relaying the information I as provided I see a mod has edited those parts out now.

Pending the outcome of this I’ll try to explain this to the players/wayfarers and explain to them how to do this process if they deem it will be necessary.

Hi @elijustrying,

Thanks for your feedback, I do note I have failed to mention on one of the appeals and the reason why it should be re-instated although I did assume that a worship hall was self explanatory as a place of worship, I will edit this in now, including the additional photo I’ve received from the local agent/wayfarer for another which has been fed back by hankwolfman

However the rest are fully advised why they should be re-instated with evidence and cited sources of history or relevance. If there is more you feel I can add, please do let me know.

Thanks for the feedback, the wayfarer has provided me a screenshot of the re-submission she also carried out and now I can see there is a generic road sign, however the original submission was for the open space, due to the age of the submission it was probably carelessly titled as the submitter didn’t know the name of the grounds… The photo for the re-submit and supporting evidence below.

@Leedle95 , thanks for your feedback, but I would say that’s a bit of a stretch, the noticeboard has to be accessible to update the notices… Photos Phoenix 3 and Phoenix 4 show the gate that provides direct access to the board as required.

Unless it something you can walk under (e.g., up high) you do need to be able to walk directly up to the POI.

And I’m not arguing with you, just letting you know why it could possibly have been removed. The ability to walk up to it and touch is a long-standing issue though someone else is probably better at finding where it’s been explained In the forum.

As a reviewer, seeing a sign completely surrounded by a fence means to me people are not supposed to go in there. The gate is probably there for the person who must maintain the sign.

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I don’t approve of malicious portal removals, but knowing a bit about the situation in London then I would suggest your team share part of the blame for all these removals. Perhaps you should come to an agreement with the other side to stop this silliness which just spoils the game for everyone.

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If you Google brethren meeting room bromley you get a planning permission PDF from a goverment domain that says it isn’t used as the Brethren meeting any more and they are requesting to knock the building down to build a car park. Search the pdf for ‘vacant’.

So the building wayspot is no longer what it said it was and the sign is no longer valid as its not a Brethren meeting room anymore. That’s two way spots removals accounted for as genuine

Seems to be a lot of those Green cycle lanes next to each other, within metres of each other so probably duplicates. Another few accounted for. Case closed

This is clearly a case of wayfarer abuse coming back to bite you

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Emmm, thats not innaccessible, theres grass round it so it can be reached by foot. Innaccessible or unsafe access is usually kiddle or the road, middle of the sea, in a school etc.

Or completely surrounded by a fence to prevent people from accessing it……If they wanted people to walk up to it, why enclose it in a fence?

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Well someone cam clearly get to it, otherwise it wouldnt be much use as a community noticeboard if it cam never be updated or read


Hi @shritwod , thanks for your input. It does seem the information you’ve been given is very one sided. Only recently have people decided to come to the forums to discuss the issues as this has historically been occurring, but has increased in prevalence as of late. However this is not something that should be discussed here.

If you Google brethren meeting room bromley you get a planning permission PDF from a goverment domain that says it isn’t used as the Brethren meeting any more and they are requesting to knock the building down to build a car park. Search the pdf for ‘vacant’.

So the building wayspot is no longer what it said it was and the sign is no longer valid as its not a Brethren meeting room anymore. That’s two way spots removals accounted for as genuine

Seems to be a lot of those Green cycle lanes next to each other, within metres of each other so probably duplicates. Another few accounted for. Case closed

This is clearly a case of wayfarer abuse coming back to bite you

@KeyserSoze Thank you for your input. A good find, but I’m afraid your information found is out of date. This proposal is dated 2020, was rejected and expired in 2023. At the time the property was vacant and has since be re-established in 2021 as part of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church group.

Expired and denied proposal link:

List of location of active sites, the one in question at the address is now known as The Albacore Meeting Room Trust:

To prove the activity was re-established, the charity published these registers below.

Charity register of the group in 2021 here

Charity Register 2022 here

As for the Green Chain Walk signs, they are denoting the same trail but have to be at staggered locations as to ensure the trail is followed, the item is replicated but they are not placed at the same location so aren’t “duplicates”. They are no closer to each other than say having 10 restaurants next to each other.

Dismissive attitude doesn’t promote productive discussion

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Nothing in your reply actually counters the info I have.

  1. You posted the application pdf dated 2020. Nothing newer saying anything different

  2. The other PDF you showed does not show the Bromley address under the Albacore trust site as you suggest. That does not appear at all

  3. I have been there myself multiple times and know it’s derelict

insert big e popcorn eating gif

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I think you make a good point, and it is true that both sides are engaged in damaging the game through mass deletions, but the problem needs to be solved by Niantic. The current system seems to be allowing people to delete the other faction’s portals far too easily and quickly, and without any information about what should and should not be deleted, which leads to people taking a punt and seeing what they can get deleted - sometimes with erratic “success”. This is not a healthy way to run a community. It is toxic, and Niantic need to get on top of it.

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That’s because it’s listed under T for The Albacore Meeting Room Trust.

And the documents showing the building is being used for religious services are clearly dated from the year 2022.

They just have not updated that document at that time to reflect they had retired that building.

The planning permission clearly states they used it for 30 years and no longer do use it.

We know it no longer exists, the documents also say so. So it should show that it’s a good removal and far from malicious as claimed