Why this Wayspot (that respects the rules) was removed and others (like in a cemitery) are still in the game?

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Rua Fernando Pessa (Jornalista)
  • Location (lat/lon): 39.332516, -8.926530
  • City: Rio Maior
  • Country: Portugal
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
  • Additional Information (if any):
  • This Wayspot was approved almost one year ago. Today it disappeared from the game. It had a route associated with it. The route is still in the game. Is there any possible explanation for this removal?
  • I think the Wayspot respects all the criteria. Was it reported by someone?
  • This Wayspot was a reference to our neighborhood. The person being honored has a greate connection to our community.
  • Thank you.
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Hello and welcome to the forum @GiovanniNascita! I can see that is a mass-produced street sign so it doesn’t meet any criteria, maybe that’s why it was removed.

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Thank you for your answer.
So, are you guys going to remove all massive production things from the game? Or it was just this? Because, you see, there are a lot of massive production items in the game. Besides that, as I wrote in the title, there are some wayspots that don’t comply with the criteria and are not removed. Although reported. I reporte, a few weeks ago, a Wayspot in a cemitério and my issue was reject - you keep it. I reported a Wayspot on a non existing object, and it was also rejected. See? Your criteria for keep/removing Wayspot is not so fair (as you claim the game should be).
I have created a lot of Wayspot in my community. Interesting and relevant things to our community and also for foreigners.
If you guys don’t value this contribution, I will stop making all contributions, namely I will stop playing and no more buying things from you. I spent a lot of money in the game, since 2016 when I started playing. So, for me it’s enough. I see you don’t treat people/communities in a fair way.
I wish you the best.

Hey, first of all, I’m a player as you, even if I’m a Wayfarer Ambassador. I don’t work or get paid by Niantic so no need to blame on me :sweat_smile:

I can understand your frustration but recently Niantic have been removing some specific type of wayspots such as vandalistic tags/graffitis and golf disks. Personally I feel mass-produced objects are okay to be removed as they shouldn’t be accepted in a first moment.

Related with wayspots inside cemeteries they can exist and be there if they meet criteria, while the cemetery itself can’t be accepted (but they won’t remove them)

Related with the wayspot that doesn’t exist anymore, if it was rejected your report you can come to the forum, create a topic and show evidence, the Team will remove it if they consider it.


Sim, bom dia.
Há uma série de coisas que eu não posso. Mas há algumas que eu posso, seguramente. Uma delas é aplicar o meu tempo e dinheiro em atividades em comunidades justas, compreensivas e merecedoras do nosso esforço. Por isso, já desinstalei a aplicação do meu telefone e comuniquei à minha comunidade local que vou abandonar esta prática. 8 anos depois de ter começado. Não vejo nenhuma justiça nisto. O jogo foi melhorando nalguns aspetos mais gráficos, mas piorou imenso no cuidado para com a comunidade. Visam, essencialmente o lucro. Fiz várias sugestões para melhoraram a app através do suporte e nenhuma foi aplicada. Efetivamente, não cuidam da comunidade. É pena.
Desejo-vos a todos sorte.
Obrigado pelo vosso tempo.

Certo. Concordo a 100%. “… elas têm de ser cumpridas.” Também era esse o meu desejo, mas, de facto, “elas” não não cumpridas iguais para todos. Esse é o meu ponto.
Existem muitos outros wayspots… milhões… mas muitos deles estão exatamente na mesma situação que estava este que removeram injustamente.
Agradeço o conselho, mas não irei seguir.
Por mim, está encerrado o assunto.

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Isto nĂŁo Ă© um aeroporto, nĂŁo tens que anunciar a tua partida. Boa viagem.

Só vou começando a perceber agora. Passei há pouco num local onde existiam 3 placas toponímicas idênticas a esta que reportei e já lá não estão os stops. Aparentemente, estão a fazer uma limpeza geral. Isto faz com que mude ligeiramente a minha perspetiva da injustiça. Contudo, ainda há muito a fazer. A próxima coisa tem de ser as caixas dos CTT. Recusaram as minhas duas propostas, quando existem imensas em cidades e localidades aqui em redor. De seguida terão de ser os trail markers. Também são objetos de produção em massa. Nomeei dois no ano passado e aceitaram apenas um deles. Tb não percebi o motivo. Os revisores indicaram que não estava no local correto… quando era bem visível pelo Google maps. Enfim…
Já este ano nomeei pinturas colocadas em paredes de residências particulares (não são azulejos!), todas da mesma coleção… umas foram aprovadas e outras não. Contudo, já existia uma outra destas pinturas, nas mesmas condições, aprovada há algum tempo.
Os critérios não são claros.
Espero que haja de facto uma limpeza com base em coerĂŞncia, para nĂŁo induzir em erro quem pretende nomear novos pontos.
Os cemitérios terão de ser o próximo passo.
Não faz sentido reprovarem nomeações quando há itens iguais que foram aprovadas anteriormente.
Devem ser mais permissivos relativamente a zonas de convívio, como pequenos cafés. Já reprovaram duas vezes o café aqui do bairro. Generic business… :person_facepalming:t2:
Haverá maior generic business do que um Starbucks?! Fico perplexo… há centenas deles nos EUA e por esse mundo fora. E, ainda, assim, aprovam nomeações.

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Tinham de vir as moscas, claro.
Se fosse um aeroporto, não precisaria de anunciar a despedida… seria intrínseco. Valha-me a santa paciência…

As moscas aparecem quando há…
Boa viagem.

Sim, foi isso que quis dizer.
Fala-se em lixo e as moscas, esse ser vivo asqueroso, tem de aparecer a zunir aos nossos ouvidos.
Em vez de comer e calar, tem de se fazer ouvir.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks for the appeal, @GiovanniNascita. We gave this a second look and decided to restore the Wayspot in question.


Do you give the ambos trying to discourage people from submitting street signs a heads up before you make street signs eligible, or do you just blindside them by restoring removed street signs and let them learn that their work is being flushed down the drain by Niantic when they read the forum post themselves?

Does street sign eligibility only apply in Portugal? Only if the street sign is more artistic than some measure? There are loads of street signs nearby, some of them are even called “Road” like this one, but I’ve got Ways and Circles and Avenues as well to help bring a little variety to the game board.


You are kidding, right?!

Are you going to give it a fourth looking? I hope you do so. It seems that the Wayspot disappeared again. This doesn’t help our mental health.

I apologize for any confusion. After a quick review, we decided to retire the Wayspot in question.


Clearly ML has a soft spot for street signs too

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You know what really annoys me? Is this hypocrisy. You don’t really care about player. You don’t care if the only thing that exists in a rural place is road signs. You delete road signs just because they are massive production items (and some of them ain’t) and you keep active thousands of other massive production items based Wayspot (mail boxes and so). You keep cemeteries as wayspots. Are they a good place to socialize? To exercise? Is it so? Or what?
You should keep your paying players happy. Communities without any monuments near or parks with signs, should be allowed to place wayspots with what’s available there. I propose some time ago a park in our community, and was reject because there ain’t no plaque or sign. But, on the other hand, you don’t allow street plaques…
City places, if there are other interesting items, should not be allowed to place some types of items. This way the game would be fairer, inclusive, motivational. Otherwise, step by step, players will quit, like me.
I know places in some cities where there are tens of spots in a tiny area. Things like small graffiti and doubtful interest items. On the other hand you reject small village caffes because they are generic business.
Come on, don’t be naif!! Do you really think that pleople go out to a place to exercise? To socialize? And than catch some Pokémon?! Really??
It’s the existence of a stop or gym that makes people go out. Those who go to a place to exercise/socialize, don’t care about the game (trust me). If there is nothing to catch there (items or mons), forget about that. Everybody prefer to stay at home watching tv. Players need more spot to go out and exercise, walk. Is it so difficult to understand?
You could set a limit to allow road signs (and other stuff like that) per s2 level 14 cell. And allow some to be introduced.
You know what? I really think that streets are good to socialize. To allow kids going out catching some mons and items (and air and sun) and we (parents) watch them from our windows (if they are younger ones and you cannot go with them for some reason). I know people that travel (by car) with kids, to center of city and drive by for a while to catch mons and spin spots because there ain’t nothing in their place to play. Would it be better (even for planet) to stay near home, in a road sign?
Streets are better to socialize than some busy bars in some city centers.
So, take a deep reflection on this subject and take some good attitudes to your paying players.

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Hypocrisy- lesson nr 2
I am in Spain these days. Sevilla, more precisely.
In the street where I am staying, there are countless stops and gyms… here you can’t see the application of the restrictions we find in my home town. Take a look at the foto attached.
Do you know what objects are behind each of these stops that are visible on the foto? Yes! Tiles. Tiles on private properties.
I wonder what kind of exercise do you do here? Is this tiles good places to socialize? Are they good places to explore? And the top of hypocrisy: I proposed, some time ago, back in my home town, a wayspot in a tile (bigger and more interesting than any of these), and it was rejected by community. I appealed and the wayfarer guys confirmed the rejection, based on the same criteria: private property. The wall holding the tile is the external wall of the house. You don’t need to enter property to admire the tile.
That’s the fairness of the game… sad.
Are you gonna to remove all the stops in private property tiles? Like you did with street signs/plaques?
You must be very proud about the good job you are doing. Keep going. We appreciate a lot!