This Wayspot was approved almost one year ago. Today it disappeared from the game. It had a route associated with it. The route is still in the game. Is there any possible explanation for this removal?
I think the Wayspot respects all the criteria. Was it reported by someone?
This Wayspot was a reference to our neighborhood. The person being honored has a greate connection to our community.
Hello and welcome to the forum @GiovanniNascita! I can see that is a mass-produced street sign so it doesn’t meet any criteria, maybe that’s why it was removed.
Hey, first of all, I’m a player as you, even if I’m a Wayfarer Ambassador. I don’t work or get paid by Niantic so no need to blame on me
I can understand your frustration but recently Niantic have been removing some specific type of wayspots such as vandalistic tags/graffitis and golf disks. Personally I feel mass-produced objects are okay to be removed as they shouldn’t be accepted in a first moment.
Related with wayspots inside cemeteries they can exist and be there if they meet criteria, while the cemetery itself can’t be accepted (but they won’t remove them)
Related with the wayspot that doesn’t exist anymore, if it was rejected your report you can come to the forum, create a topic and show evidence, the Team will remove it if they consider it.
Sim, foi isso que quis dizer.
Fala-se em lixo e as moscas, esse ser vivo asqueroso, tem de aparecer a zunir aos nossos ouvidos.
Em vez de comer e calar, tem de se fazer ouvir.
Do you give the ambos trying to discourage people from submitting street signs a heads up before you make street signs eligible, or do you just blindside them by restoring removed street signs and let them learn that their work is being flushed down the drain by Niantic when they read the forum post themselves?
Does street sign eligibility only apply in Portugal? Only if the street sign is more artistic than some measure? There are loads of street signs nearby, some of them are even called “Road” like this one, but I’ve got Ways and Circles and Avenues as well to help bring a little variety to the game board.
Hypocrisy- lesson nr 2
I am in Spain these days. Sevilla, more precisely.
In the street where I am staying, there are countless stops and gyms… here you can’t see the application of the restrictions we find in my home town. Take a look at the foto attached.
Do you know what objects are behind each of these stops that are visible on the foto? Yes! Tiles. Tiles on private properties.
I wonder what kind of exercise do you do here? Is this tiles good places to socialize? Are they good places to explore? And the top of hypocrisy: I proposed, some time ago, back in my home town, a wayspot in a tile (bigger and more interesting than any of these), and it was rejected by community. I appealed and the wayfarer guys confirmed the rejection, based on the same criteria: private property. The wall holding the tile is the external wall of the house. You don’t need to enter property to admire the tile.
That’s the fairness of the game… sad.
Are you gonna to remove all the stops in private property tiles? Like you did with street signs/plaques?
You must be very proud about the good job you are doing. Keep going. We appreciate a lot!