More Disc Golf

I guess I should start a new topic, here are more waypoints for disc golf holes/tees that were rejected when removal was requested, these were found while reviewing and often I was reviewing another holes/tees for the same courses so there are likely more being added to wayfarer:

Obetz, OH:
Tee Pad 9 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.868267, -82.960597
Obetz, OH
United States

Basket 10 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.868294, -82.961413
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 18 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.869327, -82.967054
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 11 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.868282, -82.962152
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 6 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.869518, -82.962493
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 8 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.869409, -82.960434
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 14 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.868471, -82.965764
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 12 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.868953, -82.963804
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 16 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.868442, -82.966346
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 15 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.869107, -82.965884
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 3 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.869643, -82.96658
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 17 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.868527, -82.968205
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 4 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.869646, -82.96543
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 7 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.86913, -82.961627
Obetz, OH
United States

Tee Pad 5 Area 51 Disc Golf
39.869264, -82.963429
Obetz, OH
United States

13 The Hole at Area 51 Disc Gold
39.868599, -82.964481
Obetz, OH
United States

Hewitt, TX (There is a Hewitt Disc Golf Course Sign already in Wayfarer to represent the course at 31.452356, -97.206704):
Hewitt Park Disc Golf Course Hole 5
31.453806, -97.208694
Hewitt, TX
United States

Hewitt Park Disc Golf Course Hole 7
31.453013, -97.209035
Hewitt, TX
United States

Hewitt Park Disc Golf Hole 4
31.452951, -97.208396
Hewitt, TX
United States

Hewitt Park Disc Golf Hole 3
31.45224, -97.207786
Hewitt, TX
United States

Hewitt Park Disc Golf Course Hole 2
31.452016, -97.207291
Hewitt, TX
United States

Hewitt Park Disc Golf Hole 12
31.4519, -97.204911
Hewitt, TX
United States

Hewitt Park Disc Golf Hole 1
31.451893, -97.206455
Hewitt, TX
United States

Morgan’s Point Resort (there is a hole 1 that I put a title edit in for to represent the course and a hole 9 I guess I missed reporting):
Hole 3 John Ansay Disc Golf
31.153362, -97.444422
Morgan’s Point Resort, TX
United States

The Point Disc Gold Hole #1
31.153576, -97.44368
Morgan’s Point Resort, TX
United States

This is part of John Ansay Park’s disc golf course and I’m not sure why someone created another hole one with another name.

There was an additional rejected hole that I do not remember the location of and don’t know if there’s a way to find it without city and location but here’s the rejection email:

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Found the missing one with Mission Creator

Pole Hole #9


I don’t know why these get rejected when reported in game, but accepted when reported using the form linked at the top: Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center

Wow. They have both the tee box and the hole in game

Hole 9

and this one

Disc Golf Hole 3 Layout

and this one

Hole 10 Layout

and this one

Pole Hole 27

Usually I just report using the form because, as in this case, if there is one, there are likely others.

And, yeah, usually found during reviews.

I also generally include a link to Golf & Disc Golf Courses as well.


Oh, and as to differences… probably different teams that handle the different queues.

And, with any luck, someone will notice this thread and maybe send an internal email. :->

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Yup I knew there was a mess somewhere else :man_shrugging:t2:

Thanks for the assist.

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Here we go with another set of rejected removals; just tacking them on here since these haven’t been resolved.

Pflugerville, TX (There is a Northtown Disc Golf waypoint at 30.419293, -97.643662 that represents the course)

Northtown Disc Golf 9th Tee
30.416732, -97.640195
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 13th Tee
30.422898, -97.643009
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 1st Tee
30.418968, -97.643736
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 16th Tee
30.423952, -97.64439
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 8th Tee
30.417288, -97.6411
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown disc golf 12a tee
30.421516, -97.64297
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf Tee Box for 11a
30.419113, -97.641755
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 18th Tee
30.421439, -97.64355
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 10th Tee
30.418008, -97.641227
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 7th Tee
30.41806, -97.643013
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Northtown Disc Golf 5th Tee
30.41863, -97.644218
Pflugerville, TX
United States

Today I submitted 11 around 37.649196,-120.965609 via the Reporting Abuse link at the top.

I’m unclear on the purpose of these nominations, but I would reject all proposals for tee golf or disc golf. Introducing these activities onto the field interferes with the existing physical sport and creates a safety hazard. Players using cell phones while navigating the field pose a risk to themselves and others.


I’m about to hit send on this report via the form, but I wanted to share here, just because I enjoyed the variations in titles:

Pinto Lake Disk Golf Hole 2 – 36.963628,-121.772516
pinto lake hole #4 – 36.962979,-121.775161
Pinto Lake Disk Golf Hole 5 – 36.96185,-121.776225
hole # 6 at Pinto lake championship disc golf course – 36.963546,-121.77762
Pinto Lake Disk Golf Hole 7 – 36.961873,-121.778172
Pinto lake hole 9 championship disk golf course – 36.961032,-121.775413
Pinto Lake Disk Golf Hole 10 – 36.959879,-121.775876
Pinto Lake Disk Golf Hole 11 – 36.960353,-121.777446
Pinto Lake Disk Golf Tee 14 – 36.960905,-121.774804
Pinto Lake Disk Golf Tee 15 – 36.960465,-121.772876
Pinto Lake Disk Golf Tee 17 – 36.961836,-121.773631

Thanks for the appeal, @SpindaHuntr. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we have made the necessary changes to the Wayspots in accordance with our policies.



Some of these appear to have been missed.

holes 18, 17 and 6

update they appear to all be removed now

They’re back…

Maybe not :thinking: they don’t appear in the IITC app but they show up in review? Is this to help keep them from reappearing by being marked duplicate instead of getting reaccepted?