New waypoints being used for max raids

From my experience, all the power stops are all the Niantic waypoints that aren’t visible in Pokemon go. 4 in particular that I submitted myself that didn’t show up in Pokemon go are now power stops

How are some seeing Power Spots already? Dynamax won’t be introduced until Sept 10th, so we still have several days.

My nearest gas station has also become a Powerspot. It is not an appropriate place to experience, and that gas station is not a Wayspot.

@NianticAaron @NianticTintino
Can we discuss Powerspots in this forum? Powerspots are a Pokémon GO-specific feature, but some utilize Wayspot information.


It’s live in New Zealand already.

Must be 10am or past that there. Interesting that they didn’t tell us when Power Spots would go live.

Seems more like the update the start game picutre only, like earlier someone say, should be the 10 september

That doesn’t mean that’s when Power Spots first appear in-game. Again, nothing has been confirmed, but since those in the Eastern hemisphere are starting to see the Spots, we do need more info.

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I see a dozen or so around me. Checked against Niantic’s own Wayfarer app and only one of the spots correspond to Lightship Waypoints. However the capitalisation in the spelling suggests it’s not the waypoint but another DB with the same POI in it.

So yeah I’d say it’s using another source.

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Probally some kind of test.

I’d have to disagree here. I have a waypoint I submitted that was recently created in real life from a new development. I submitted it last week and was approved last week, but it was in the same cell as another stop, so did not show in Pokemon go. It has today showed up as a power stop. There’s no way this data was from another source besides Niantics flagship from my submission. It’s the exact name that I had typed out also. I’m not saying it ONLY utilizes Niantics flagship, but it 100% is a component.

There’s also many state survey markers that have turned into power stops, that were not a POI in pogo due to being in same cell as existing pokestop. I don’t know what other data source would include state survey markers as POI

There are other geocaching games out there that require interaction of some kind with geo markers such as survey markers, so it’s possible that their info is being used.

I think a discussion about the source of these locations seems wayfarer related.
The mechanics of what happens beyond that in the game would seem to not be relevant.
So the discussion so far seems on track to me :+1:


OK, thanks @elijustrying.

One piece of information. The source of information used in this case is at least a year old. A store that closed last year has appeared as a Power Spot.
PS: The store is not Wayspot and does not currently exist on Google Maps or Open Street Maps.

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Maybe you should ask Pokemon Go, but… I’m just curious.

There is a new power spot in Pokemon Go today.

I was wondering if this has anything to do with Wayspot or not.

Most are newly created power spots regardless of Wayspot.

However, some of the Wayspots that did not appear as 17-cell duplicates have been changed to power spots.

I’m leaving an inquiry because I wonder if Wayfarer team knows anything about this part.

Everyone else -

‘They should create a system that showcases unused Wayspots that highlight the culture and social experience of local areas’

Go team -

’ M0@rrrr!!! ’


Have just had 2 disappear that were there earlier today

I drove past a power stop that is the local unit of our State Emergency Service. Every day of the week this would not be accepted as a Wayspot as it “obstructs emergency operations” , but how do we report these if it’s not in Wayfarer?
(I tried in-game but there was no option).

Edit: option in game has been found!


Coming out of forum inactivity to react to this because… holy expletive.
This is the worst import since the multiple Foursquare imports. Probably worse than all of them since it’s worldwide.
Out of 11 new power spots in my vicinity, 8 are generic businesses which don’t fit any criteria whatsoever (no, they’re not restaurants or other potentially social locations. Well, one is a restaurant, but it was shut down at least a decade ago). One power spot is a duplicate. Which leaves us with a grand total of 2 power spots that are actually eligible according to Wayfarer criteria.
Out of the same 11, only 2 come from the Lightship database (not the same eligible two that I’ve mentioned before).

  1. This will undoubtedly lead to a new, huge wave of coal submissions. ML might block most of them, but not all.
  2. If I had little motivation to submit solely for Lightship in the past (if I had spare nominations and spare time), this import is honestly so insulting that I’m not sure how much of that motivation is left now.

Not surprised that Niantic keep doing this. Just disappointed, again.


Is it normal that these wayspots have no photos?