Hay una zona con más de 9 pokeparadas pero no hay ningún gimnasio, hay algún error que prevenga la creación de gimnasios?
This isn’t particularly a Wayfarer issue, but could you supply the coordinates of the Level 14 S2 Cell in question?
A good article about how Niantic uses S2 cells is here: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/comprehensive-guide-s2-cells-pokemon-go/
Here’s a map
Not sure is the POI are not in the same cell (at least 2) and that is causing the issue. But there is one (well 2) that are actually meeting the rule. See picture below.
Looks like there are already 3 gyms (according to Campfire) in the S2 cell. They just aren’t near the park. (Poorly circled in red)
Yeah I can see the other 3 gyms, was wondering if the park ever gonna gets at least 1, the one that is a purple circle is a POI still. Is it because they are not close enougth?
I am no expert, but if you follow the link that @cyndiepooh Shared, you’ll see that there are only three gyms per level 14 S2 cell. That means that there will be no more gyms in that cell, so no there won’t be any gyms added to the park area.