Not sure why this is getting rejected

I get that there are some rules on bus stops not being accepted but there are already 4 stops already accepted and is around this bus station. So why is mine any different. It’s safe and promotes directions. There’s plenty of public access bike or walking. It’s getting harder to nominate things around my area.

Can someone help me fix this.

To start, just because something is on the map doesn’t mean it’s eligible. All nominations need to pass on their own merits, other Wayspots existing is irrelevant.

Second, it looks like your nomination was rejected by the ML bot eMiLy. Likely because she was unable to determine what it is that you’re nominating. Is this a transit station where multiple routes converge and people can switch from one bus/train to another?

If so, try taking a picture from the outside of the station at the building itself or the sign for the station. If it’s just a single-use stop/go station those typically aren’t eligible.

Third, your supporting photo isn’t doing the nomination any favours as it doesn’t show the station in the shot. Your supporting photo needs to have the point of interest in it from a wider shot with some of the background landscape for reference. For example those intersection signs, but in the background with a referenceable part of the station in the picture.

Without seeing your description or supporting information I can’t help beyond that, if you’d like help with those feel free to post them and I can give you some advice on that as well.


Yes! It’s a light rail/bus station. So your saying I need to take a better photo of the whole area?

Also here’s what I said for the nomination.

Transit hubs do meet both the explore and social criteria, as it may be a good place to meet up with others, and it encourages you to get out and explore your community. Directional signs do not meet criteria, as they are pretty indistinct in a place like a transit hub; there is even clarification on these (this is under trail markers, but also applies here):

However, this station already has a Wayspot, and being the rejection reason is Wayspot criteria, it appears to have been rejected by ML, the AI system, for being a duplicate or not meeting criteria:

I’m thinking this is not showing up in the game you are playing, and this could be due to the other Wayspots in the area.

Each game uses the Niantic Spatial map to determine game play locations, with the exception being Power Spots, and each uses different density/inclusion rules. PoGo uses S2 cells, while Ingress uses a 20 meter rule. More on S2 cells can be found here: