Hi all, I saw a lot of painted electricity boxes in my area/city center so I recently submitted 4 nominations (see pictures below) but all were rejected based on Rejection Criteria: Obstructs Emergency Services and Other Rejection Criteria. There is also a post in this forum to remove 24 electricity boxes without painting which were previously accepted/approved (link: Wayspot Removal Appeal - 24 Electric Transformer Boxes without Painting). So I’m just wondering whether the community do not accept painted electrical boxes anymore? If it is still acceptable, should I just appeal which may take up to 1.5 months (I just used 2 appeals recently) for those 4 nominations? Many thanks
Hi, welcome! To advise on appeals, on this rejection reason and on nomination improvement we would need to see complete nominations, including supporting photo and supporting info.
The removal thread you mention is, as far as I can tell, for boxes that used to be painted but stopped being painted. What you are nominating is the art, the box itself is generic infrastructure. So once the art is removed, the wayspot for the art that used to be there is indeed not eligible anymore. As far as I can see this doesn’t apply to the boxes you show.
In addition, a request somebody makes on here is just that, a request, not evidence of criteria and not a ruling to be analyzed. Neither is a rejection that you receive in community voting.
My preliminary suggestion would be to avoid identical descriptions, I’m sure these paintings have more interesting things that can be said about them.
Hi Xenopus,
Thank you for your response and advice. It is well noted and I will try to be more descriptive in nominations. Those paintings are on my way to work so I was trying to nominate those quickly while walking to the office with short and similar description from other approved PokeStops of painted electricity boxes around the area.
My point was just wondering whether these artistically painted electrical boxes are no longer accepted since the community would easily just reject those nominations based on Rejection Criteria: “Obstructs Emergency Services” and “Other Rejection Criteria”.
Since we’re on it and to avoid a new thread, let me take 1 painting here so you can provide advice on how to improve it. Appreciate any feedback. On a side note, in the email, it said “Unfortunately, the community has decided not to accept your Wayspot nomination. Please check out the full details in your Contribution Management page.”
- A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected
- Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information
- Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them
- If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.