- Wayspot Title: Skrzynka runiczna
- Location (lat/lon): 54.521713,18.525123
- City: Gdynia
- Country: Poland
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): (not applicable)
- Additional Information (if any):
I’ve notices that the “Skrzynka runiczna” wayspot is missing. The only reason I can think of is that someone stated that it doesn’t exist anymore. Yet it does. The only problem is that it is not visible from the street or the pavement.
The spot is an electrical box with painting resembling runes. Today, it looked like this:
The wayspot was accepted in 2022, this was the supplementary photo:
BUT you know, plants do grow. Right now the shrubbery between the box and the street is much more robust. As a result, the box is in no way visible from the street/pavement. Because:
I believe that whoever appointed the box for deletion, never entered the micro wood and bothered to see what’s between the trees.
But it is perfectly possible to get there, I’ve recorded two ways (there’s also a third one, but let’s not exaggerate).
The first one starts more or less here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/N8ZLcqjqH4As8XdVA
And the second one (the strange shift at 00:18 is the zoom change from 0.5 to 1.0)