- Wayspot Title: Abażurowy nóż
- Location (lat/lon): 54.522409,18.522780
- City: Gdynia
- Country: Poland
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email: not applicable
- Additional Information :
So. I don’t know on what basis this wayspot was removed and this could be important.
- If it was about wayspot quality, do let me know, I’ve noticed a lot of crap around the city and I’ll be happy to have it removed.
- But I assumed that someone reported the wayspot as permanently removed from this place. Well, it’s still there.
The photos are taken today.
For reference, here’s the Google Street View showing this place: https://maps.app.goo.gl/q7MAZFaLZ1FKiFfFA
One might argue if a wayspot in such a state can be qualified as still existing. But I leave the decision to you.