Pokeparadas y rechazo continuo de estas

He subido como 10 pokeparadas de carteles informativos , senderos , parques , zonas de perros, bancos y todas han sido rechazadas una de ellas habia un pictografía de flora y fauna en una zona protegida que a unos 600 metros existía otra similar haciendo referencia a otra información del entorno y fue rechazada . Quisiera poner una queja formal ya que mas que un tema de no cumplir con los requisitos propuestos los cuales he leído incluso antes de realizar dichas solicitudes y cumpliendo todos los criterios. Se están rechazando por mi nombre de usuario y discriminando por mi color de piel y publicare toda la información y los comentarios al respecto , por discriminación y por racismo. Un cordial saludo. Pense que el respeto la tolerancia y el buen hacer eran parte se esta comunidad pero veo que no es asi. Ademas añado fotos de las zonas y senderos que han rechazado

If reviewers are able to tell your username and skin color from your nominations and you’ve only made 10, you’re probably doing something wrong. You shouldn’t be including body parts or your username in your nominations.

I definitely think some reviewers can recognize my style and guess that I’ve made a given nomination, and some of them may even know the color of my skin, but that’s because they’ve seen hundreds of my nominations or met me in person.


No he salido en las fotos supongo que mi nombre de usuario salga en la solicitud de la pokeparada tengo camputaras de fotos incluso grises de lugares donde han aceptado una poqueparada gris…

Hi @blaking
You can switch it off.
If you go to the wayfarer menue, press settings and switch.

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Hola buenas! Voy a mover este tema a Nomination Support . Allí puedes compartir tus propuestas y estaremos encantados de darte feedback.

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Reviewers aren’t able to see the name of the user who made the nomination during the voting process. They would have no way to see your username or make any inferences about you personally while evaluating the nomination.

When you received the rejection emails did you see the reasons given? If you can, post the the proposals and rejection reasons and the community here will be happy to help either improve the nominations or give feedback about why the rejections were given.


Your username, exact location or any other information about you is not visible during the review process. Some rejections are automated, meaning that they were not reviewed by the community. As @MegaTrainerRed and @aliccolo suggested, you are very welcome to share examples of these nominations so that maybe some improvement suggestions can be made by the community.


As explained by @Xenopus, your details are not visible to reviewers unless they are shared in the nomination which would be a ground for rejection.
I have reviewed some of your recent nominations and they are not great candidates to begin with. You can reach out to the community if you need help in improving your nominations.


understatement tbh


@blaking Welcome :sunglasses:
as NianticAaron has commented that you may need some support with your nominations, please do post 1 or 2 here.
Both photos, the title, description and supporting information
Plus if possible the location.
That way we can try to help and make suggestions to improve your chances of success.