Que lastima que no le pongo mas entusiasmo , sera que me aburre proponer pokeparadas y que me las rechacen . Cualquier cosa hay de pokeparada y las que yo propongo nunca sirven . No todos vivimos en grandes ciudades con grandes cosas para que sean admitidas , la verdad que es una lastima . Metance las pokeparadas donde mejor les quede .
I would suggest that you visit this part of the forum, Nomination Support, you can either find or search what others have asked about, or you can add new topics regarding the nominations you have questions about.
With detailed information about your denied nomination(s), such as title, description, photos and support information, we can help out with suggestions for improvement or reasons why it is not a valid wayspot.
This topic is about “Wayfarer Ambassador App Open - Discussion” where to discuss how & why (or why not) you should apply for the Ambassador program.
Te agradezco, pero me parece que cuando proponemos pokeparadas es porqué las necesitamos , y queremos colaborar con otros jugadores . Los que no colaboran son los que las rechazan por estupideces infimas .
Don’t want to derail this topic, but needing Pokestops in the area is not part of criteria, and doesn’t make ineligible things eligible.
I’m going to split this to a new topic and place in nomination support as @yido suggested.
Do post an example of something that has not been approved an d hopefully we can help.
Obvio que no . Totalmente de acuerdo contigo . Pero hay que tener un poco de empatia con otros jugadores y sentido comun . A 5 cuadras de mi casa hay un gimnasio que es una polleria , en la esquina de mi casa hay un supermercado importante y no me lo aceptan .
It may seem sensible to take in to account what’s on the map as what’s eligible but that’s actually a big mistake to make, especially with the Power Spots on Pokémon GO.
Some things get approved that shouldn’t, or the ML accepts things it should not.
It doesn’t matter what’s around, you need to read the criteria and nominate things which fall under:
- A great place for exercise OR
- A great place for exploration OR
- A great place to be social with others
I’ll stress again, not just a place for it. A great place for it.