Pokestops in small towns

yes, good tips. Perhaps local parks, ski areas…

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Not so sure what the standard is… I see utility boxes and power pole around as a poke stop. I am really not sure if they justify as a meeting place… :confused:

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Usually something like that will have been accepted for the art that is on it. But is best not to try to compare to existing Wayspots and to focus on how this poi you are trying to submit meets the current criteria.

I would challenge your statement that you see “power poles” as wayspots. If that is true, I believe those need to be reported for removal.

Utility boxes are only eligible when they have been painted or decorated in some way to be a work of art. It is the art that makes them eligible, not the utility box. Be certain that it is “art” and not just an advertisement, some areas use wraps on utility boxes to provide advertising similar to a billboard - those would not be eligible as “art.”

looking at google map I can see
airport - should be eligible
sign place - can be eligible
Bobkang - the only coffee in the village - from my view eligible
Memorial Arena was mentioned and band office too
YFN Youth center
Kevin S.C Sagutcheway memorial nursing station
Health & Social Services North
Fort Hope Inn
Community Entrance Signs

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Thank you guys so much… ill do the pics again and ill add a few more to see advice you guys give… ill have thwn up in a day or 2… thanks again guys


Thansk alot guys i made the adult Education Centre and arena bandoffice and my community logo and also 3 flags plus the airport i had to appeal but i got it… thanks for all your help and advice… in total will have 8 pokestops where im from… thanks again guys…


I used this pic for my way point and it got approved… Thanks for thw help.

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Thankyou for the update, it’s always good to know how things work out.
That all sounds awesome it must have made such a difference. Glad we could alll chip in and help. It’s a great supportive community.

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Hey @Mrman242 i had the chance to submit a band office today and i thought of this topic when i was nominating it. I’ll update more when i get a result.

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Any update on your waypoint?? Well good luck with your nomination…

Im still waiting for my airport nomination waypoint to show, I got an email for it being accepted after I appealed it, but didnt show yet…heres the screen shot of the email…

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Pokemon Go has a daily sync when locations are added to the game if eligible for it, but that has been being skipped on Mondays ever since Max Mondays have become a thing. So you will probably not see it until Tuesday. Where I am on EST it happens around 2:30-3:00 pm.

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The Fort Hope Airport wayspot is in the same S2 Level 17 as the Fort Hope wayspot which I assume is either a pokestop or gym. Unfortunately this means it won’t appear in Pokémon Go.

PS I love the snow photo.

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What app are you using for those grids so i know in future to move a few yards away… and thanks @elijustrying

This map uses the Niantic game Ingress. Many, though not all, wayspots are used by the ingress game and the map is available to aid planning of gameplay in Ingress.
Players have derived information about how wayspots are selected for Pokémon Go explained in this article


So you need an ingress game account (starting level is fine) to see the map and then you need the IITC map and an overlay
We can’t give the website but search for wayfarer IITC S2 pogo tools
If you join the Wayfarer Discussion Discord they have people there who can help.
Most important. You must always place the pin on the object. Wayfarer regards it as malicious if you try to place the pin not on the object just so that it will appear in your game. This can lead to heavy penalties on your wayfarer and game account.
So use the map to plan but not to game the system.


To add on to what Eli has said, I’d encourage you to try Ingress out once you have it too.

If you get to L8, you’ll get 40 extra nominations that you can use, should you run out of ones on Pokémon GO.

I mainly nominate from Ingress so the ones on Pokémon GO are my backup if I find an area with lots of eligible things in.

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I misunderstood that you had just had the appeal decision accepted for something you had already workshopped here. My bad for being online when I should have been asleep.

Just to reiterate the pin issue, here is iitc with the overlay showing satellite view. There was nothing to pin this on in a free cell, so you did not make a mistake. Great photo!

But isn’t this the same building as this one in the photo for the other pin?

I don’t know what to do at this point about that.

Leaving the portal link for the airport for others who want to help to find it on iitc: Fort Hope Airport

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I noticed there would be a problem in this cell last month.

The longer building is marked as the Fort Hope Inn on Google.

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On Google, it looks like this building has a gynasium and is a gsthering point for the community. If that is true, you could submit it.

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