Pokestop nomination in rural areas

I’m a player in a rural area. Me and my friend are the only only players in town actually :skull:. I’ve been struggling with pokestops so recently I nominated some and some got accepted really fast but I think it was reviewed by niantic itself because a person noticed one of my earlier comments in Wayfarer but idk I’m not too sure. But I still have some which are still in queue for a month and that’s the first time I started making pokestops. Just wanted to know how long it usually takes for players in rural areas!


Yes, the AI/ML has been accepting nominations, so if the decision email said “our team” accepted them, that would be the AI/ML. If the decision emails say “out community,” then that means reviewers voted on it and approved it.

Since you’re in a rural area, it can take some time to get nominations seen by enough reviewers for a decision to be made. If you do reviewing, you may want to consider using upgrades, as they push your nominations out to a larger area, and typically more reviewers.

There is no step timeframe for resolution in any area, rural, suburban, or urban, however, I will note that there may be some preference given to nominations in rural areas in the queues, but I myself haven’t noticed this. I nominate in both the city I live in, but also the rural area I grew up in, and even the city I live in I see varying times of approvals.

Really, it could take 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, or even 2 years (fingers crossed this isn’t the case for anyone).


The AI/ML learning rejections are often baffling, sometimes I think too much foliage or grass can trigger it, or certain keywords in the description.

Hi, I am at a private lake and there are some really cool historic explorations spots around here over 100 years old that I would really like to make as pokestops. I know a few adults and some kids around the lake like to play it and there are none around here, so I would really like to put 3 or 4 cool historic spots here on the map. How do I nominate a location?

There are a lot of good tips for nominating Wayspots here.

I’d also review the Wayspot Criteria information in the Help Center:

Also, please keep in mind that you are nominating places to be Wayspots, and there is no guarantee that any approved Wayspot will be in a certain Niantic game. Each game has there own density rules, and what you are really doing is adding places to the Lightship map that the games can pull from.

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In Go to submit something

Settings/Uploads/New Pokestops.

To have it accepted and appearing on the map needs to be done in a certain way if that’s what you are asking help on?

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