Removal Appeal (16x poi)

  • City: Terneuzen
  • Country: the Netherlands
  • Additional info: These poi’s were all wrongfully removed, either due to ignorance or abuse, and we like them to be restored.

Wandelroute bord: Rotonde nabij Monument
51.332981, 3.818665

Wandelroutebord: Promenade Nieuwe Sluis
51.332981, 3.818665

Wandelroutebord: Noordbrug Nieuwe Sluis
51.332101, 3.818448

Wandelroutebord: Oostsluis
51.333164, 3.820937

Fietsroutebord Binnenvaartweg
51.335872, 3.821580

51.334977, 3.828129

Prullenbak met een stenen uitzicht viewke
51.335820, 3.866250

Wandelroutebord: Rotonde Haarmanweg
± 51,3261212, 3,8313518

Fietsroutebord fietscafé: bij het Zeepaardje
51.337707, 3.833117

Wandelroutebord: kruispunt Gravin Mariaweg-Spuiweg

Fietsknooppunt 29
51.306914, 3.862368

Fietsroute 29: richting kruising Hoofdweg/Spuiweg
51.305703, 3.864691

Fietsroute 29: Spuiweg
51.303747, 3.869460

Wandelknooppunt: Maxima
51.334244, 3.856752

Do you want these removed or restored? You’re gonna have to elaborate a bit.

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Thank you, my dear general. :saluting_face: I’m glad I don’t have to do this as often as you. It seems like the invasive species of “naargeestige azijndrinkers” is trying to establish itself here too… :grimacing:

I’m seeing a lot of those white-and-green cycling route network signs that Niantic hates with a passion and refuses to restore whatsoever, so you won’t have much luck there. Probably not with any of the fountains either if they’re in bodies of water because of pedestrian access.

This one:

Fietsknooppunt 29
51.306914, 3.862368

Absolutely should be restored though.
These signs are absolutely valid.

People should not be too quick to judge. Especially Niantic. So I trust them to do the right thing.

The bicycle node network for example. My income is relatively low, so no Costas in Spain for me. These bicycle markers have been a large part of my vacation for a few years.

Niantic asked us to nominate stuff that motivates to move, cultural, etc. Well, this is part of the Dutch culture: a vast network, facilitating and motivating people to enjoy rural tranquility, for mental and physical health, regardless of income. I understand why many people are jealous of that.

And the best of all is this: pogo’ers are actually going outside exploring the countryside! Never have I seen so many people using the hiking trails as much, since I successfully nominated them.

The poi of the fountains are not on the water. So I hope they can be restored. “Waterfeest” are fountains that are always on, you can even touch the fountains without getting wet feet from that 15 cm of water. Perfectly accessible and acceptable.

But it feels wrong to give in to abusive behaviour, when they spitefully go out of their way to report community approved POIs. That’s not okay.

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The location of the POI should be on the object. Often times wayspots of fountains are submitted on the shore, while the actual object is in a body of water. And this indeed is not safe for pedestrians to access. You should be able to stand at the location of the object safely.


That would depend if the current rules, or those at the time of creation (9-10 years ago) would apply, in case of “Fontein Vijverhof” and “Fontein De Blide”.

And forgive me for lawyering these two poi’s at all length, beyond reason. Insert Elrond gif For nostalgia’s sake, I was there, ten years ago, in Ingress when I saw them appear…

There have been no changes in the guidelines on safe pedestrian access since we can submit wayspots. Every wayspot requires accurate location and a safe route for pedestrians to that location. That these wayspots might have been approved through OPR/wayfarer long time ago does not make it valid.


Very well. For the sake of the other poi’s on the list (which are absolutely valid, and should be restored after this heinous act of vandalism), I’ll remove those two fountains from the list.:+1:t2:

Thanks for the appeal, @mennolente. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire the Wayspots.

Would it make a difference if I provide you with photos for evidence, or do you want me to re-nominate them? Or both?

Sorry it sounds like not taking no for an answer, but without further explanation, I have no information to extrapolate on, learn from, or otherwise see reason behind a (from my perspective) seemingly random decision. :grimacing: No offense intended. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Sorry, forgot to update the situation. Long story short: good news!

Most of the removed way spots (except the furthest rural trails outside my action radius) have been renominated, and accepted within hours.

Even better, apparently some were within one or two meters of a level 17 cell border. Also, while examining the cell borders, I discovered a few objects to nominate that I previously thought to be within an occupied cell.

So even though there were about 16-20 wrongfully removed, we got even more valid way spots back from this, most of them within hours of submitting! :smiley:

Only one of them is not coming through, no matter how hard I try. They’re quirky little fountains on the side of a concrete basin. They’re almost the ideal nomination for a fountain. Apparently, people just don’t like it? :man_shrugging:t2: