My wayspots are removed every time they are added up to a week after they show up around other agent's hometowns

In the Village of Łączany, Wadowice Powiat, Polska and the City of Alwernia, Chrzanów Powiat, Polska, when anything is added it dissapears after up to a week. These are wayside Shrines, county parks, stuatues, sports fields, and so on.

Example Wayspot:
Name: Kapliczka na Słonecznej, Łączany
Location: 49°59’12.3"N 19°34’30.6"E (Łączany, Brzeźnica County, Wadowice Powiat, Lesser Poland Voidership, Poland)

There are some more, like the County park i added, Independence mound with an monument on it added by me and Łączany’s local agents, the multiple times added fitness station on public ground, added by the local agents, the shrine i described, an cross on village borders (both have pedestrian acces), and so on (Łączany) The sports field i added and Alwernia’s local agent (with way way more) (Alwernia)

I would want the person mass reporting these portals to be removed to face some kind of punishment for their abusive behavior.

Here is a photo of the nomination

The example you shared is a correct removal because the chapel is on, at or within a single family private residential property, which is a rejection and removal criterion. It should never have been accepted in the first place.

It doesn’t count that it is facing outward, as long as it is connected to this type of location it is always disqualified. I would recommend to not submit it again as otherwise you might get penalized for spamming ineligible nominations instead

Edit: Added Street View link

There was way more nominations that were removed, just like i said. This is an example. Independence mound, county park, cross, and an football field are the examples. I will post their locations in a minute.

Also, i don’t know how nominating something once or twice in the 400 nominations is spamming inegible nominations but sure…

Football Field (Alwernia): 50°03’28.4"N 19°32’44.8"E
County Park (Łączany, it is divided from the preschool, and its its own property, founded by the EU): 49°59’03.4"N 19°34’32.6"E
Independence mound in the county park: 49°59’02.9"N 19°34’32.5"E
The Village Border Cross: 49°59’07.4"N 19°34’21.5"E
And as an bonus, the Fitness station: 49°59’16.7"N 19°34’32.9"E

There is way more than this. The mass removing makes the local agents not want to add any more portals, and just so it is said, there is WAY WAY more that is being removed or was removed.

Some of these cases are not as clear cut so I try my best to give an approach on why those have been removed, these reason might not be my actual opinion on if the removal was correct:

Football field: The club that is there, I had trouble recognising what it actually is. Is it a youth centre? If yes, it might have been removed solely for that, as K-12 rejection & removal criterion extends to any place where minors are cared for not by their parents or legal guardians.

County park and any objects within: with solid proof about not connected to the preschool it should be possible to restore those.

Village border cross: I suspect safe pedestrian access got misrepresented by the reporter to the staff as country roads and ways are safe, shared spaces , which often doesn’t get recognized as such by staff.

Fitness station: Are these located within a senior care home? If yes, Niantic sees this type of location as sensitive, therefore this location would be disqualified as well

I removed game-based speculation from the post - please refrain from that in appeal posts, and keep them to the point.

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No, it is an city sports stadium, you can see that even from the photos on the google maps location placed there

Why? It isn’t a cmentery

But can you explain to me anyways what “Stowarzyszenie Młoda Alwernia” is?

Probably due to the medical care taken there, but I can only speculate for this one

It is some sports team i think. but it looks like some kind of workout/stadium governing building. don’t really know. on the Mzks Alwernia location on google maps you can see people that don’t look like children playing on the field.

I understand, my suspicion is that if the Stowarzyszenie Młoda Alwernia is a youth club, the reporter might have misrepresented the entire premises as a K-12 location.

Mixed use would be a really bad problem because usually Niantic would always side with the worst case scenario and remove the Wayspots

so just to make sure:
Niantic wont remove generic stores, vandalisms, fire departments, police stations, hospitals, private property statues, not distinct stuff and more, but when there is an fitness station behind an senior’s home, an football field, or an cross with pavement ~5-10 meters away with safe ways to get to it, then it immedeatly removes?

That does not make sence to me.

That sounds to me that the reports you attempted lacked clear enough information for them to accept those. But Ingame reports aren’t as good anyways.

Do you have examples in mind that you also want to share in detail? Maybe we can reach further understanding if we speak about those (and also, I can offer taking it to DMs if you want to)

the prp statue i am talking about is an portal that was tried to be removed for years now, with the statue itself being removed irl 2 years ago. Ingress Intel Map

There are multiple portals of “Żabka” brand in Kraków and over all of poland, even if are being removed non-stop, it is a brand so common in poland there are memes about it being on every street. Ingress Intel Map

Hospitals as portals, like this one in Katowice: Ingress Intel Map

Can’t Find the Police portal, but there was a few, but fire departments are portals EVERYWHERE because volounteer fire departments are in every village and in some villages there are more than one, like this one, named Brenna - Volounteer Fire Department (OSP is short for Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna)

And for Vandalisms, Just look anywhere in an bigger city. Stronger Example: Ingress Intel Map

For not distinct stuff: Vandalisms, Notice boards (There is one per like 300m even in villages), trail marker painted on a tree (like 3 strips for an trail marker, like this:

Now, i have to go. But these are examples of portals niantic does not want to remove, but removes stuff i mentioned above.
Addition: The unsafe acces should be used to remove stuff like portals of stuff like highways or some other fast moving track. NOT AN LOCAL VILLAGE ROAD.

The statue is not on a PRP ground that is disqualified by criteria. Only Single Family Private Properties and Farms are disqualified, this is clearly a multi unit condo. However, if the statue doesn’t exist there anymore, provide some proof and it should be removed on appeal.

I heard about the Zabka problem. Unfortunately there is no good solution a regular user can easily take.

Hospitals are not sanctioned by removal criteria, it’s the kind of loophole where once in, it can never get removed. I hate this as much as you do too.

Fire departements should be easily removable, if you could provide an example later, especially one that you already attempted, that would be great

The vandalism example should be a 100% removal, how did your attempt go and did you put something in the support text box, or was this before itw as added to ingame reports?

There are vandalisms added all across the country, yet even with massive amounts of reports agents can’t remove them, take 3City for example (an agent from there’s fight with one vandalism portal that was OVERPAINTED HALF A YEAR AGO or so, for over a year now).

The biggest problems i know of in Poland are generic businesses (Every city, mostly Kraków, Look: Żabka, Biedronka (There is one guy in kraków that took nominating these onto another level - He connected the bug (Ladybug in polish) in the name into the bible, and claimed that the neons somehow have a deep religious meaning, and are places of socialising with religious people (???, its just an generic shop)), Lidl and Way, way way more), Vandalisms (Every city), AI descriptions (Kraków), and Slurs in names and descriptions (Kraków, this one is being actively edited by me (ingame edits) and an agent from the City of Częstochowa, who makes reports to Niantic about the issue to change the names)). neither had any reaction by niantic i know of, even with simple fixes to many of them (like blocking polish slurs, making an additional step in the wayfarer training informing you about what does “Generic Business” Mean (Same could be done with Vandalisms) and making sure people know that making AI generated descriptions that don’t give any info about the nomination and just go into complete fantasy and sometimes are even a bit offensive, are not something that should be nominated. an short, 1 worded description can give more info about the nomination than the ai generated description gives, like i dont want to know how an vandalism on an wall is somehow an entrance info the fantasy world of imagination, i want to know how is it an egible nomination.

For me personally, notice boards are incorrect, even if they are the village version of vandalisms by amount. Notice boards all look the same, and (since i saw this argument already) Shrines for example are all diffrent and have huge backstories. Notice Board’s backstories are… that it was built. (And they are like every 300m, i even have an location with 2 notice boards on other sides of the road). Other problem is the Abuser with an removed account from the Powiats of Suski and easternmost parts of the Notowarski Powiat (Lipnica wielka county, it has terrible quality, when i looked there a few days ago, only a third of the portals in an part that i looked at were not Fakes, sv photos or bus stations with all having the same photo.

So, just to summary all this, i should nominate notice boards instead of sports fields, fitness stations, places of relogious meaning, and so on.

Sorry that it got offtopic, but well

3 posts were split to a new topic: New to Wayfarer

Since my level is only just approaching the point where I can fully participate in the Wayfarer community, I am only theoretically familiarizing myself with the rules.

In the case of the park, based on a slightly more recent aerial photo, I think that it may actually be an area independent of the kindergarten.

The seniors’ home (and the fitness station behind it) also doesn’t show such signs of sensitivity, although it’s hard to be 100% sure without taking a closer look.
If I correctly understand (based on the municipality’s website: Senior +), seniors spend their time there but do not live there. However, I have doubts about the public accessibility of the fitness station itself and I would judge it on that basis.