- Wayspot Title: Bibliotheek Zaltbommel
- Location (lat/lon): 51,8036750, 5,2319109
- City: Zaltbommel
- Country: The Netherlands
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): n/a
- Additional Information (if any):
It’s a public library, it’s still there and it’s still in use.
I’m guessing it was removed because it’s in the middle of a secondary school. The website for the library does seem to indicate that it’s “next to” the school rather than being on school property directly, but the school is on both sides of the library from what I can see on Google Maps, so I’m guessing that convinced Niantic to remove it.
Even if its to close to school district or daycare the remove it, here the also removed one thats on parking lot of retirement home. Next to daycare. Only adults book inside
if they believe children till 4 year old use it, while in daycare there are 100ders of children books
It has its own entrance, which you can also see from StreetView. The wayspot was in front of that entrance.
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I hope the can restore it for you seems to be a public libary!
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Thanks for the appeal, @th3cardinal. We gave this a second look and decided to restore the Wayspot in question.