Removed Wayspot

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Corona Maxima
  • Location (lat/lon): 52.62497,10.078245
  • City: Celle
  • Country: Germany
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
  • Additional Information (if any):

Used to be there, but got removed, as seen on Street View.,10.0788054,3a,75y,294.25h,92.51t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syYXEkOJlhtGoVjnyb6a-YQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu

Thanks for the appeal, @llamazap. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.