When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:
Wayspot Title: Altar del Señor de los Milagros
Location (lat/lon):-11992642 , -77055823
City:Independencia, Lima.
Country: Perú.
Link scaniverse: Los Incas - @salem09 on Scaniverse
Additional Information:Greetings, I hereby request the replacement of the portal mentioned above, since it was unfairly eliminated by agents or wayfinders unrelated to the legality of the game, this waypost was approved through appeal by wayfarer and accepted by moderators to which the reason was explained what should be an acceptable waypost and it was approved, I will attach screenshot. And I will also explain that these requirements to be a waypost:
-It is of public interest since it is an altar or grotto of a saint who is recognized worldwide in the city of Lima.
-It is a permanent object since the grotto is made of static material to the place and is a very striking object and can be viewed on Google Maps and the Scaniverse scan that was uploaded.
-It allows free visits to the grotto, since the owners and/or those who placed them allow people to gather to pray or visit freely, since they themselves placed it outside that property, which is logical. to allow their visit without any problem, mentioning that they sing monthly in the place invited to the neighbors.
I hope this waypost can be replaced since it was unfairly eliminated by agents or wayfinders that portals that are not of their interest report massively to congest the system and harm other players, something that is tiring because it is not the first time they have done it and it is They make fun of the topic.
The waypost meets many of the requirements and is expected to be restocked please.
It can be seen that the waypost is on the public road and outside a home exposed to the public since the owners allow people to visit it freely, being a permanent object that has been in the district for many years.