Retiraram a opção de contestação da plataforma

Ao entrar na aba de contribuição os wayspots recusados não aparecem a opção de contestar, o que houve?

Hello @burndarklight

You get 2 appeals at a time that once used will come back after 20 days. If you have used these recently, you’ll need to wait.

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Ah entendi, obrigado pela informação, onde posso ver quantos dias faltam?

No problem. I don’t think there is a place to see. Maybe if you have an email response from your recent appeals you can work it out.

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Entendi, obrigado pelas informações!


Olhei pelo email, minhas contestaçoes foram em novembro, tenho que abrir algum chamado?

I don’t know. That’s odd. Hopefully others around here have more insight.

Or you could move this post to the Bugs area.

Are you sure you didn’t submit the nominations in November, and appealed them within the last 20 days? Are you able to share a screenshot of your last appeal report email?

Hello and welcome @burndarklight

It can be hard to keep track of appeals as there is no place that shows how long before you have one available. The only way to check is to check your emails.
You should receive an email confirmation when you submit an appeal. That is the only way you can check when it was used and the clock on the 20 days until it is available again starts ticking.
Do you always receive those emails?
And what is the date on the last email confirming an appeal has been submitted?