@NianticAaron how many Wayspot edits have you submitted?
Just got another one! Screenshot from contributions before voting and after to show the status change.
Why would that be so odd? If you and other people have submitted an edit on the same Wayspot, you deserve to be able to vote on your contribution.
I disagree, as it gives the submitter an unfair advantage to upvote what they submitted, and could be used abusively by some. I’ve never gotten one of my Wayspot nominations to vote on, but have gotten a good number of my edit submissions.
Nobody is a committee of one decider, I don’t see how it could be unfair if the other contributors are also reviewing.
It would be unfair to force me to vote on edits when I, too, have one I perceive as better quality.
Two (no wait it’s three isn’t it) of my own edits seen in voting today (table is Wayfarer Review History plugin)
I’ve voted on my own edits for years. I think ever since they started giving edits to Wayfarers.
BUT it took months and over a year for an edit to come to voting, and they were not on our Contribution page to withdraw.
I always assumed that when my edit came up for voting, they showed it to me first, to ask: Do you still want this? Is it still correct?