Should “Permanent” and “Distinct” be separated in the review flow?
I ask because these can be two very different things.
I’ve seen a few posts here where people were questioning the reason for the rejection, and I thought maybe if they were separated, it would alleviate some of that confusion.
Yes. So many people only see the “Temporary/Seasonal” part of the rejection reason when they ask for help with a nomination. And if “Not Distinct” is supposed to be used as insignificant or mundane like a lamppost or a street sign, its description should be rewritten to reflect that.
I think it’s necessary, helpful, but unlikely to happen.
It’s probably recycled from the old rejection reasons and I’m sure Niantic wouldn’t be able to make 2 completely new rejection reasons while de-coupling the existing ones in our nomination history.
Yeah, most see the temporary/seasonal rejection first, thinking it doesn’t make sense, but when they show the nomination, it may have been rejected for being indistinct.
I’d say either separate these into 2 questions, or replace the rejection reason with “Not Permanent and/or Not Distinct.” The rejection reason replacement would most likely be the easiest route to go.
This still won’t stop reviewers for rejecting indistinct POIs as generic businesses though…
Is there really any value that would be lost if older nominations retained their confused reason but everything going forward utilized meaningfully different ones?