Should we get more than 40 nominations for Pokemon Go & Ingress?

Pokemon Go’s Platinum Medal is 1,500, and Ingress could be the Gold medal for 2,500 or the Silver for 750 since the two games medals are not easy.

While that can be argued to be low, it would still take an effort to earn this ability.

I totally agree with you. Photo submissions gives you back two each day, so nomination could easily do the same thing.


It is almost where they should be have an app to do that… oh wait. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

With the Wayfarer app sunsetting at some point, I doubt they will have an independent wayspot management system even though one would be beneficial to Wayfarers. They were to do this at some point then they need to promote it better than they did with Campfire. So many people have no clue what Campfire is.

Yeah, ML have been approving nearly 100% of my nominations as well.

I agree with your points.

Actually, yes, it is.
The Wayfarer application itself is not bad, but it is unfortunate that it is slated for closure due to too much non-developer use.
However, as long as they keep letting people nominate them in the game application, the “Why is my nominated PokéStop hidden even though it was approved?” posts from the Wayfarer forum will never go away.

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My first comment was a joke in reference to them sunsetting the app. I actually like the app. I used it purely for informational purposes, since it is supposed to be developer only.

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So, if the main reason for keeping the nomination cap is to manage the reviewers’ ability to process the backlog, then instead of raising the threshold for everyone, I think the following will make sense:

  • keep the current limit of one daily refill (per player, not per game);
  • if a nomination is accepted by AI, automatically refill that nomination for free (with a hard cap, say, 5/day). Nominations that don’t require human review don’t contribute to the backlog anyway.

The only downside I see (well, two, actually) are: 1) people might be more motivated to learn how to tailor nominations specifically for AI (but they’re already motivated due to faster processing times), and 2) while AI helps, we don’t know if the community reviewers are processing at the same speed or with the same motivation. It’s possible that AI is just barely enough to keep up.

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I have a number of photos already taken of my surrounding area basically just waiting for my slots to open up to submit 1/day on my account. A lot of the time I’m out driving around with other players in rural areas and will just submit things on their accounts instead when I have none remaining.

I remember doing this when only Ingress had nominations and it was only a max of 14, with getting a nomination back every 13 days.

I’d have an album of geotagged photos on my phone called “To submit” and then immediately burn through all 14, then wait another 13 days.

There’s another big downside: engineering effort. What you’re proposing would require work from the wayfarer team and each of the game teams. And it would be real code changes.

Changing the daily restock (should be) is just a change to a config value somewhere. Unless it isn’t in which case, shame on them.

And I truly don’t believe the distinction matters. How many brand new folks go and blow through their initial 40 when they gain access? and of that small number, how many continue to use 1 a day out of the gate? The only folks doing this are seasoned pros.


I would take that bet.

Why do you think giving people nominations would be harmful?

Like Tehstone said, it takes dedication to submit that level of nominations. If someone would submit all just coal, Emily would like reject them all and they would like receive a warning or eventually a suspension if the behavior would continue.

Because I’m seeing it with the current level of nominations.

hey i am on a road/hiking adventure that is lasting 2+ weeks (9 days so far), and because of the limit of 1 per day i am only able to submit ONE nomination per municipality because i am trying to submit something in them all. I am gonna run out of nominations before i finish the trip/visit all the municipalities even if i limit myself to one per mun.

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The countries and regions commonly referred to as the G7 and G20 have already mined most the diamonds and cannot even digest the current cap.
And most of the wayspots that are approved now are hardly POIs, and most of us are not inclined to take our own friends there.
noties-boards every 100 meters, common bridges shared by cars and people, adjacent but all individually nominated playground equipment, self-proclaimed art that is indistinguishable from graffiti, chain fast food and convenience stores, and the rest are just item supply places.

However, it is also true that there are regions around the world where POIs remain.
Therefore, it would be safest to vary the maximum recommended number depending on the portal density of the wayfinder’s current location.
In fact, the Wayfarer database used to be maintained by the Ingress team, but in 2016 the Initio TOHOKU mission was held and portal recommendations with limited regions were revived for a few months.
Therefore, it should be possible to change the maximum number only for certain regions in Wayfarer, and I personally think it should be variable.

But unfortunately, the current Wayfarer team and managers are keen on importing coal from Foursquare and seem to want to stifle our Wayfinder adventure, even though it is now possible to fully combine location and AR in the Scaniverse, Since they don’t seem to care about the accuracy of the locations or the quality of the wayspot, this idea will never happen.

Agreed m, those willing to do the work and go the extra mile should be able to do so. Nothing will ever be perfect and to be honest I didn’t realize how much detail, time, and such goes into nominations and so forth to start off with.

because ML is approving so much. i can’t even remember the last one of mine that went to the community, every single one gets an ML approval now


Sorry for the late response.

While I understand quality concerns, the amount of people that would take advantage of the additional nominations are likely not the people who are apart of the problem with low quality nominations that are getting onto the board. Also, at the end of the day, it is clear Niantic does not care about the board of their gameboards as much as Wayfarers do considering this recently Foursquare dump in Pokemon Go for Power Spots.

What you nominate? Only trail markers seems to work perfect for ML… maybe you can share some examples?