So I get on Pokémon go I did what admin said to do

This is not accurate. You should have received an email documenting the violation committed and it was definitely not for “submitting” a little free library.


Why report it when the last time they said I got to learn from it last time u know I’m just to the point where enough is enough

NianticAaron has said that this warning

so it seems you must have broken the Wayfarer terms of service in another way. So I guess seeing the little free library nomination does not matter, you’re correct.


If you feel the Little Free Library “Abuse” report is false, by all means appeal it. However, NianticAaron’s comment would suggest that the transgression isn’t anything to do with the Library. I don’t think anyone here can help you based on how you are responding to people’s comments.

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I think as long as you made this topic trying to understand why you got marked for abuse, you are with good people here trying to rectify why you potentially got marked for abuse when you shouldn’t have been.

What’s in the email NianticAaron referred to? Did you do that?