Una consulta, a qué se debe el rechazo de pokestop que solicité y quien las aprueba y rechaza?
Hello and welcome,
We’d be more than happy to take a look at your nomination and let you know who may have rejected it (ML/staff/community), as well as why it was. We can also help if any improvements can be made. Please feel free to post screenshots of your nominations so we can take a look for you.
Welcome @52162023
It’s not always obvious where is the best place to post, so I a, moving this to nomination support. If you provide the details about the nomination fellow wayfinders will be happy to help identify what might have happened and the best way forward.
Hola y Bienvenido @52162023 hay varios factores que pueden afectar que un determinado wayspot aparezca en uno u otro juego, si nos puedes compartir las coordenadas de tu propuesta, podemos hacer un diagnostico, ademas, podemos darte retroalimentacion para que seas mas efectivo en el proceso de proponer. Un Saludo
Welcome to the community.
Please note that you are submitting Wayspots and not Pokestops. If you are able to provide us with a screenshot of the rejection email (please copy and paste and make sure you don’t include your email address), your nomination, and the co-ordinates.
As part of the nomination which can be obtained via the wayfarer.nianticlabs.com site, there may be a rejection reason. It would be helpful if you could include this, if possible.
Reviewers come in 3 categories.
- ML (aka Emily / eMLy)
- The Community (aka us lot)
- Niantic Staff.
Some of us can’t tell the difference between 1 and 3, but trust me, they are different.
Without seeing the nomination and the rejection reason, it may be difficult to know how to help.