Suspended Pokemon go players can now log in & use wayfarer to review & apeal ?is that bug or niantic removes their suspension on Wayfarer because very few people use wayfarer .? It’s kind of selfishness on part of niantic where you all don’t allow them to play game but want them to do reviews.
Welcome @starlord2080s Thank you for posting.
People who have been banned from a game should also find themselves banned from wayfarer. The same applies if they have been banned from Wayfarer their game accounts get banned.
Could you explain further please and if you have proof or an example can you provide it.
I can’t provide you proof sir… it happened to few people whom I know. Are you niantic employee…? Let niantic employee address this. If it’s bug or they remove their suspension in wayfarer & forgot to remove in games or they made wayfarer & game suspension seperate, because there not many people do reviews & they wanted people to do reviews to clear backlogs…i personally have no issue with whatever niantic decides. But just wanted to know because we stay in rural areas & we don’t have enough people to do raids with & every persons who played game is MVP for us. If niantic decides to remove their ban on Wayfarer , why not remove from game also ?atleast they were helpful for us in raids.
@elijustrying is not Niantic staff, but she is an Ambassador who has a more direct line of communication with Niantic than the average wayfarer user does, so she is capable of raising this issue with them and getting them to look into it.
Thanks. I have tagged a member of the Wayfarer Team to draw this to their attention.
Thank you, @elijustrying, for raising this concern with us!
@starlord2080s, I’d like to clarify that our policy regarding suspensions has not changed. If a player is suspended in one Niantic title, they will not be able to access Wayfarer.
The situation you described seems unusual and might be the result of a misunderstanding or misinformation. Please ask the users in question to contact their respective support for further clarification.
As you are new here, please take a moment to review the FAQ to better understand our policies and how to contribute positively to the community.
@elijustrying Great…I just asked this casually ma’am. Niantic @NianticAtlas always ignored real problem, why people break ToS or player guidelines… now that I know who you are let me tell you real problem faced by us.
In 2016 we didnt had much poke or gym stop in my village. May be hardly 7 to 8 pokestop in area radius of 5 km. By the time it was 2021 few people were able to hit level 40 & nominated many places as poi. They helped us get more Gyms & more raids. Some of them reached level 40 without cheating some cheated. But at end of day we didn’t had any issues because they all helped us do raids & gave our village more pokestops.
By the time it was 2023 most people left playing Pokemon Go. You see we live in rural India where people don’t see Pokemon game as game for adults, so we had very few people playing pokemon go. In fact if people see u walking on streets to play Pokemon go, they would simply tease & bully you loudly calling you “Pokemon” …yet very few still continued playing game & others just left playing game. Some started spoofing because people were just making fun. Some people because of their 8 a.m to 6 pm work schedule couldn’t play game on weekdays, specially those who traveled like 10 to 40 km away from work to play. To add salt to our wounds niantic terminated Account of high level players saying they cheated & it’s against ToS & player guidelines & they want to be fair to all people. Funny thing is game was never fair for us. First we didn’t had much pokestops/gym but had lost of players. Now we have many Gym/Pokestops but no community to play game (to help us do tier 5 & mega/ tier 5 shadow raids ). To be honest we don’t even have more then 3 to 4 people in entire village playing game daily. By the time some reach home, raids already getting over. Remote raid pass are more expensive then normal & online friends don’t always show up. I mean say if I want to do 20 to 50+ raid of any particular Pokemon, we don’t have enough people to help us. Some won’t spend real money to buy passes. I like to spend but people who spend with me either left game or their Account got terminated & they aren’t interested to make new Account. People make mistakes of breaking ToS because game it self isn’t fair for them all. To be honest we can’t convience people who got bored of game to play it again because as we grow all loose interest in certain things because of responsibilities, but niantic should atleast unban people who are willing to play game again. Instead of suspension/permanent ban for life time they should put ban on them 6 months or one year or restrict then from PVP & let them play again because every active player is help for rural people like us who would help in taking down big raids. Specially elite raids or shadow raids or other legendry raids.
For go fest we couldn’t do single legendry raid in my village because no one to help us.
Niantic may say they have remote pass. But they are expensive then regular pass & i feel there is opportunity cost in that…
So humble request to unban our friends so that we all can play game again
Hope this post may help niantic to understand real problem we face.
I understand how difficult it must be to play in the rural conditions you describe @starlord2080s
However the root of your issues is around the game itself, and this is not something that Wayfarer can directly help with as Wayfarer is only concerned with the generation of the Wayspots that might become stops and gyms. So without Wayspots the game is very difficult to play.
We can help and support you if you are level 37 to make good submissions if wayspots in order to grow the game locally by providing resources with which to play. With a better gameboard you may attract and retain players, who in turn might help with Wayfarer.
If you are interested please do post in Nomination Support and experienced wayfinders will offer advice to help you.
We can’t help with the Pokemon Go side that is in the hands of Pokemon Go but are willing to help with this aspect.
Do take time to consider that.
Sure ma’am…but now we don’t have less pokestop /gym problem… Now we have atleast 70+ pokestops in that 5 km area in our village because of hard work of our friends whoes Accounts got terminated. But sadly they can’t play anymore …
They gave us pokestops & their sacrifices won’t be forgotten.
But it’s of no use as without their help or enough people we also can’t do big & more raids …
May be niantic employees or those in their contact can casually discuss problems rural people face. Even if we add 1000 gyms & pokestops in rural areas it’s of no use if there aren’t people to play game hardcore. & If niantic keep on terminating accounts of hard core level 50 players who were spending real money to buy pass & helping us to do daily raids, even we will loose interest …because we get so much jealous looking at people post their legendry raid catch online & while we have to spend extra money to buy remote raid & our orange pass simply getting wasted…
One of my friend whose Account got terminated had done over 5k reviews & added 100+ waypoints across many villages …poor guys account got terminated because he started spoofing because he was hardcore player who loved to do raids, spend real money but had no one to do raids locally…he left playing game for few days then started spoofing & got terminated permanently…
Will be so happy if everyone gets their account back because it will help use raid again like 2021
@NianticAtlas he can log into wayfarer but can’t log in into game. Now idk how he can contact niantic. If he submit ban apeal it says he broken ToS. When his account got terminated at first he could not log in into any title…wayfarer or games. Now he can log in wayfarer but not in game. May he his suspension are lifted in wayfarer but niantic forgot to remove in game…
May be niantic want him to help community but don’t want to let him play
These are not things the Wayfarer Team or Wayfinders can help with. Sorry.
No issue ma’am but niantic employees like @NianticAtlas can review our real problems & if In contact with game employees or top management discuss with them officially or unofficially. May be someday they might get transferred to game unit. These problems are limitations of game. Niantic proudly says it want to be fair to all so they punish cheaters but in reality game is broken & isn’t fair for all except people in big cities & big countries. I remeber in 2016 we had to travel 30 km to just play game for 1 hour or 2 hours because we didn’t had much pokestops to put lures…now we have pokestops but no people to raid or trade with
No no, what Eli is getting at is that NianticAtlas can’t help you because he has nothing to do with pokémon.
If you wanted a haircut, you wouldn’t go to your doctor, would you? It is a similar principle.
I’m closing this thread as it is not related to Wayfarer. When I mentioned contacting in-game support, I was referring to reaching out via the web forum. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused and have clarified this in the previous comment.
For information regarding enforcement and suspensions, please refer to the Wayfarer Abuse Enforcement Ladder Policy.
Thank you for your understanding.