This should be nominated!

Hey, we are a global community. If we run across something that should be a wayspot but we have no way to submit it, lets use this as a way to list it. Hopefully someone who lives nearby can swing by and take photos to submit.

I found a place called “City” in Nevada that should be a wayspot.

Oof. You need a reservation. All days in 2024 are booked. It costs $150 bucks per adult to visit for 3 hours. Still, it looks so cool.

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Don’t take it bad @seaprincesshnb , but that is the worst thing on earth I’ve every seen!
50 years, tons of material and fantastillion dollars later we (the whole humanity) have waste in a desert what you can see from outer space and the earth will never get rid of again :woman_facepalming:
Why havn’t he built schools? Why doesn’t he set up a program for food/alternative energy?

I’m really sad and hate it!

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As someone whose earliest childhood memories are of playing Lemmings on my brother’s Amiga 600, I was delighted to find out that a Lemmings statue was created in Dundee, near to the studio where the game was produced. Somehow it has never been submitted as a wayspot.

Sadly I’ve never been to Dundee, and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be up that way, so I can’t go and do it myself. Also sadly (for me at least), I’m fairly sure it wouldn’t be eligible to show up in Pokémon Go, and I’m not sure if it’s too close to the mini band stand to appear in Ingress, so I wouldn’t even be able to get a postcard or commemorative Portal Key for it. However, I still think it absolutely deserves to be in the database.

Here’s the location of it if anyone happens to be nearby.

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If anyone is in nottingham in england or near it there is the biggest publicly accessible caves beneath it in the uk and the only thing that is a wayspot is the entrance. I believe it’s about £20 and it takes about 60 minutes to walk through the 800 different caves. I’ve seen loads of photos of them and there’s definitely plenty of things to nominate.

I need to think of an excuse to go there…….i loved lemmings :joy:

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This makes me think of nearby air raid shelters which are fairly large. Like The Nottingham caves in some ways

I do wonder about accurate location of points underground, tricky

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The caves in nottingham were also used as air raid shelters

Should be fine as they usually have streetview photos on maps. The nottingham one has some.

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Someone had a rejection due to a face being in the main photo, and they had nominated it while on vacation. Maybe someone in Malta or going there can resubmit it?

  • Title: Bugatti
  • Location (lat/lon): 35,9551499, 14,4206383
  • City: St. Paul’s Bay
  • Country: Malta

Well, art is subjective, but not in Wayfarer, since City does meet criteria to me.

However, there may be a reason why City doesn’t have a Wayspot yet, as it’s listed as being private property on the website @seaprincesshnb:

The City is on private property in rural terrain, and it has no habitable structures. Visiting without a pre-arranged visit is thus potentially dangerous, and it is strictly prohibited and is trespassing.

There is another place in the US that is similar, in Williamsburg, VA, as it has large busts of US presidents from a park that was renovated. The contractor of the park took possession of them, and does offer paid tours, but they are on his private property. None of the busts (and there are over 40) have Wayspots, even though they are all very large and visible from satellite view on Google Maps.

I’m in need of a wellness vacation, to lose weight and learn healthy eating habits - but I cannot afford the US$3,500+ per week price tag or the time away from work, so maybe someone could submit all the amenities (Basketball Court, Tennis Courts, Walking Trail, Canoe Dock, Swimming Pool…and heaven only knows how many indoor things) at the Biggest Loser Resort Niagara / Beaver Hollow Conference Center for me so that when I win the lottery I’ll have stuff there to hack and spin? I’ve already started work on the entrance/welcome signs for ya -

It’s the same kind of “private property” as Disney, kinda. With Disney, you just buy a ticket. But there are times (I guess) when they are at capacity so just showing up won’t get you in the gates. This place has a vastly different capacity of 6 people per day, so they manage access differently from Disney.

Fair point DTrain!
And Seaprincess idea to collect a list is great :hugs:
I hope that it don’t get too messy and stay useful

Is anyone in the UK planning a rail trip to Scarborough any time soon? There’s a bench there that probably should be in the database. Yes, a bench. Not even a memorial bench, just a blue bench.

So what’s so special about it? Well, it’s a Grade II listed structure that’s considered to be an object of special interest, and it’s purported to be the longest railway bench in the world, measuring in at 456 feet/139 metres, spanning a section of Platform 1 at Scarborough Station.

At that length, it probably doesn’t promote socialising. If anything it probably promotes social distancing! It does seem like it would be a good landmark to explore though. So if you are going to be nearby, maybe have a look and see how feasible it would be to try to get it into the database. And good luck getting a panoramic photo of it with no passengers or trains in the way haha.

If you want more information about it, a quick Google search for Scarborough Railway Bench should give you more than enough interesting links to read about it.

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Checks train times to Scarborough :joy:

I love anything to do with trains and stations and this sounds fab.

Mmmm this would be better as a more substantial trip.