Have you wanted to be a Wayfarer Ambassador but wanted to hear from one first? Well, here is an interview with @elijustrying and @seaprincesshnb. Time is limited to apply. Take a listen to what they have to say and GO APPLY!
Two queens just breaking down why you should apply to hang out with us! Love it!
Note: While being an ambo is a huge honor and privilege, it is also a big commitment and requires a lot. It also just happens to be extremely rewarding.
There are better ways to support and engage in Wayfarer and represent the community without being an Ambassador. You, personally, represent us well.
The best ambassadors are the ones we meet along the way.
Feel free to sit back and reconsider as the time goes on. I don’t feel like it’s appropriate for me to encourage you one way or another, but we’ll always have your back.
Id love to be a part of the Niantic-Ambassador-Ferrero Rocher - Club Evenings, but I doubt this would fit anywhere between Max Moday, Tuesdays Spotlight Hour and Wedn´days Raid Hour with Saturday and Sunday reserved for CD and other things. Life´s too short to be a slave to the clock.
Being an ambo is what really helped me break that game FOMO, to be honest. I feel like what I do in this role has a bigger impact than just me personally collecting a lot of imaginary creatures. I started my amboship as someone who never missed any PGO event, so it took time for me detox from the game.