Warning received for correcting a Wayspot!

I recently tried to fix the location of a wayspot in Pokémon GO, but my edit got rejected, and I even received a warning for it. I’m hoping you can take another look because I think the current location is wrong.

Wayspot Title: Location Edit for 小食亭
Current Location (lat/lon): 22.322813, 114.271935
Proposed Location (Within the limits of the : 22.322634, 114.271833
City: Hong Kong
Country: China

What’s the Issue?
The wayspot is supposed to be at a kiosk, but it’s not in the right spot on the map. I’ve tried to move it to the correct location within the system’s limits.

Here’s What I’ve Got:

  1. Google Maps Screenshot: Shows where the kiosk actually is.
  2. Photo of the Kiosk: I took this picture to show I was there.
  3. In-Game Map Screenshot: Shows my location in the game at the kiosk.

I’m just trying to help make the game better, so it’s frustrating to get a warning for this. The responses I got before didn’t really address the evidence I sent.

Could you please take another look? I’d really appreciate it!



Location edit appeals are to be done in Contribution Management. The Wayspot Appeals forum is only to appeal Wayspot removal requests that have been rejected, or to request restoration of a Wayspot that’s been removed but still exists.

As for the warning, you do have the option via the email to appeal it. You can also find a link to appeal at the following page: