Wayfarer App sunset on Android (refreshed for another 90 days on iOS)

What does this mean for you?

  • Starting November 4, 2024 at 10:30 am PT, you will no longer be able to access the Wayfarer app on Android.
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@NianticTintino I do have a question. Will Android Explorers still be able to access Lightship via a web browser, i.e. Chrome, Firefox, etc?

Edit: Nevermind, found it:

  • To browse the map, nominate locations, and request VPS activations: Use the Geospatial Browser (GSB) in your preferred desktop or mobile web browser.

Are we still going to be able to send edit contributions?


still? we were asked not to use the Wayfarer app for submitting



Unilaser Unidade Oftalmologica de Laser Ltda :crying_cat_face:


Metro Pillar Number 67 :crying_cat_face:


Köroğlu Gıda :crying_cat_face:

I will miss you almost as much as I miss @NvlblNm’s sense of humour :crying_cat_face:


This really didn’t need a discussion. :grin:


No problem.
But, it’s a pity because I liked AR-scanning for Good wayspots that did not appear in Ingress or PGO, and it was easier for me to see how the scan was completed than in the game application, and if anything, I could post better descriptions of Good wayspots with no distance limit.
And that would have been exactly what the Wayfarer Challenge was all about.
(But it would not have been suitable for editing location.)

I’m sorry about that, because I think any Ingress agent who has been around for a long time and is supportive of Niantic’s future would have willingly AR scanned even invisible wayspots like this if they could be counted toward the medal achievement.
Well, to this point, I guess the Wayfarer team thinks that such currently invisible wayspot AR scan data is unnecessary for their future.

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I wouldn’t take it this way. Scanniverse might eventually connect to Lightship.

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I’m an Android user, and do use the app from time to time to see what may already be a Wayspot in certain areas, so I have to disagree that this didn’t need a discussion. Many Explorers using Android aren’t on the forums here, or the forums for Lightship, so they may not even know it’s being discontinued.

Also of note, Android is used by about 72% of people globally, and that share is growing. iPhone is used about 28%, with that share shrinking. However, the share in North America is around 58% Android vs 42% iPhone, and in the US, it’s 42% Android vs 58% iPhone. This does tend to favor the US user base over the global base, and we may have to be the ones letting others know why the app is no longer working on Android.


We could discuss this quote here:

So, it’s clear the Wayfarer team doesn’t plan to work on this now.

However, if the team is considering ideas to improve the Explorer mobile experience, a website or app to view lightship wayspots is what’s really needed.


As much as we would like to hope so, it is probably not possible.
Currently, Scaniverse allows users to upload AR data, including locations, but they are independent databases.
They are independent databases, not linked to Wayfarer like Lightship.
And if the locations differ even slightly, the machine will consider them as different things.
And if you try to correct them, it takes a lot of effort.
You know, like the data the Wayfarer team imported from Foursquare.

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I would hope that the Ingress team finally add their duplicates map to the nomination process after the Wayfarer App goes off


Currently. Who knows what the future holds. It could even end up being a separate project, but I’m sure they’re combining lessons learned across all of these platforms.

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The Wayfarer app is only to convert your scans into Overclocking. Hopefully Niantic will start automatically VPS activating anything with enough scans - and reactivating when it has enough new scans!


It’s dead, Jim.

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Wait… we can post gifs on here?

Well, it was nice to have it for the little time that I did.

Back to looking at the map via web browser…

The Geospatial Browser is great.

I love the funny little icons and the way it slowly jumps around and stops. Just like being back in 2007.