Not sure where to post this, so apology if it’s in the wrong place. Someone in my local community submitted a waypoint which got approved.
The portal is in its own cell (if my understanding is correct), but it isn’t showing up in Pokemon Go. It’s shows up on the Ingress Map, which leads me to believe it will exist in the Ingress Game.
Any advice / suggestion would be appreciated.
“Greenhill Place Mural marks the public square at Greenhill, it was created by local Harrow artist and graphics designers.” is in the same level 17 s2 cell but does not appear in ingress because it’s within 20m of “Community Information Board”
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Hi, welcome! I’m sorry to tell you that there is an additional wayspot there that you can’t see in Ingress that is preventing the one from your friend from appearing in Pokémon GO, it is “Greenhill Place Mural marks the public square at Greenhill, it was created by local Harrow artist and graphics designers.” 51.581936, -0.332565
(yes that is its title)
If you see this other one in Pokémon GO, 1. PLEASE FIX ITS TITLE, 2. unfortunately that means your art pod is Ingress only.
Sorry for the disappointment and good luck with the next ones!
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Thanks Xenopus. The penny has dropped. Thanks for pointing that out.
Hi, my nomination was accepted, but it is not showing up on the map. Any help?
Yours is within 20m of and the same level 17 s2 cell as “Pathnostics Picnic Tables”.
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