“Resting Lady” is small statue of an old lady sitting on a flower bed in a very small square outside the visitors entrance of a nursing home named Bokliden.
It’s placed in a public area that is easily accessible.
It’s been a poi for several years and should remain so.
I have attached 2 photos from two directions showing that that statue exists and that the location is safe and accessible.
This statue is placed in the atrium yard of a home for elderly and disabled people. Common areas and bedrooms have windows facing this yard. To get to this POI you need to physically enter the yard. On several occasions staff in white clothings have come out and asked what is going on, and told people to disappear, as patients gets worried about the activities around the clock by unathorized persons. It is a highly inapropriate place to have a POI, even though a statue is eligable itself.
All POIs are not for everyone. POIs inside workplaces, as for example army bases or fenced in private companies are perfectly eligible for those who work in said areas.
Who are you to decide if people working there can have access or not?
Following your logic, all POIs that are not open to literally everyone should be removed. That’s not how POIs work.
I just talked to one of the staff that has been working there for +10 years and the only complaint that he has heard of was of the removal.
Not a single complaint within this elderly care center.
I have passed this wayspot 10 times more than any other “player” on foot for several years and nobody has ever approached me and asked me to leave. The only question I have heard of from the staff is that one tenant was wondering “who the handsome man was”.
The wayspot is on a public area outside of the main entrance.
There are only nonresidential room towards the entrance.
The staff don’t wear white cloths.
You can reach the wayspot outside the entrance square without any problem.
You seem to have problems understanding what I am writing.
The spot for this POI is sensitive, very sensitive, due to the nature of the people living there. Old folks, mentally unstable persons.
There is a reason why this home is placed in the very corner of this small village. The patients need peace and quiet, not mobile phone gameplayers wobbling around just outside their bedrooms.
Many have been asked to leave, and rightfully so.
You seem to have a shortage of empathy ant totally lack of common sense, with your aggressive tone? Are you well?
Old folk play Niantic games too. If the center has an issue with a waypoint there, they can contact Niantic themselves and request a removal thenselves using the appropriate form.
Welcome to all new forum users that randomly stumbled on this post, I will be closing this while we wait for staff to give their feedback. Thank you for your understanding.