Welcome Scaniverse Discussion

@NianticTintino Very excited about this!! @Glawhantojar and I touched in it at the back half of the podcast this Sunday! We showed off a couple of scans I did!

I’m pretty proud of this one!!


I do pogo scans when poffin is the prize. Only takes 30 seconds to scan.

How much data will it use up when mobile in the field?

Can multiple scans be saved for later upload when on wifi?

Not if you have to keep scanning, because the app doesn’t like your scan, which is why I don’t do it. Too many attempts before mine is accepted.

This is terrifying, I think I’m stuck in a tree!


Hoping I can see 1 of the many scans I did of my feet for poffins before I was banned. Lol

I like the look of this! Not sure how much I will do outside of Pogo. I see one nearby that was likely my scan though. I will see if I can do better with the new app. Will new scans from Pogo and Ingress be added to the Scaniverse map from now on going forward? Assuming they’re any good of course.

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Filthy android user so can’t participate yet but here is a test I did


I’m really looking forward to it, but since yesterday I can’t log in to scaniverse on my android device.

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How to get a Splat to be VPS-activated? Are there any examples in the lightship geospatial-browser?

Hello there. GastlySiborg an Ingress Resistance player here. Will I still have to go to Lightship and attempt to activate VPS on a waypoint, or will this become a replacement for that? I honestly love the ghostly watercolor cloud wispy look to the incomplete portions and surrounding area for these scans. I like this idea and hope this new app can help bridge the difficulties that I know many of us have had with trying to activate VPS for waypoints. Also, hopefully, this will also help reviewers for new waypoints see the validity of a waypoint edit and such. Yes? :pray:
Lastly, I’m looking forward to the potential for using this as an alternate vessel for creating 3D content, hopefully directly linked to my Ingress account… for a Scaniverse medal? Maybe?? Recovered Memories Anomaly??? Extra points for high quality scans??? Okay, enough with the question marks. Seriously though. Looks nice and looking forward to the potential for increased gameplay in Ingress. Now where are our XM glasses like in the anime? And will there be another season release?

…. Lots of questions.

15 seconds when you scan on Ingress.

Scans have never had anything to do with edits or even removals.

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That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, they COULD help where Google maps street view isn’t up to date or isn’t available for an area.


Thanks for the question @Gendgi! Just confirmed with the team that the sweepstakes is available to Android users. While they won’t be able to brows the Scaniverse map, they can still post to it and now create Scaniverse Community accounts. Hope that helps! Let me know if it’s still not working for you.


I’ll be honest. I’m more addicted to Scaniverse than Wayfarer right now! I’ll write down what I like about Scaniverse.

・It’s fun to be able to view posts from all over the world randomly and easily by pressing the Discover button
・Splat is more intuitive than the photo
There is no need to be reviewed by arrogant reviewers

Scaniverse is a 100% fun app without any stress. I wish you a good future development.

Scanning does not use any data, in scaniverse you can actually scan while offline. Posting to the map is where you will upload the Gaussian splat/scan to the our servers. This can be done over wifi.


In the Scaniverse map (on iOS only for the moment) you can find those as the blue spots on the map. Those are VPS-activated and gaussian-splatted locations. They are marked as “Community”.

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Is there an expected date for full Android capabilities?