Is the scaniverse thing up yet?

Dunno if im allowed to ask here, but waiting for that developer version of that scaniverse to pop up, the one we got sent emails for, so i cam use the map in it to make sure i cam submit stops, but it doesnt seem to be and when i click the link in the email i just get this

Even if you get access to the app, use Pokemon Go or Ingress to submit nominations if you want them to become “stops”.

I never said im submitting from the app, its the map im wanting access to, ill still use the games to submit stuff. Ill probably also use it to scan stuff if im having in game issues

whew! misunderstood

I normally use the toggle check on the pokemon go nomination map screen for that, but the toggle currently isn’t loading for me. Agree that ALL explorers need a map of all Wayspots we can access with our Niantic ID.

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That toggles fairly useless if youre more than like 100m away anyway lol, as i do a lot of taking pictures to submit at home or wifi location, i find it useless lol

ikr? i have to remember to check while i am there taking photos. and ingress doesn’t even have that!

Yeah, hence why i was hoping to get this new thing, but speaking to a few local people, they havent had access tk it either, they get the same page as me when they check their email link, we use it for a mix of checking whats in the area and scanning (and activiating the scans for ingress, cause ingress had the genuis idea to introduce a feature that can only be activated from the wayfarer app).

Is this the same issue @ScrawnyMeowth1 reported here?

Lets me log in, so dont think its that. Its a link in the email thats supposed to take those whos signed uo through the email to the dowload link

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Got the update now amd … well yeah, it sucks, doesnt show any pois that havent been activated, amd even those it only shows a coupke. Its not replacing the wayfarer app rhats for sure. So seriously, why cant we just get a proper map?

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