Hey everyone, I was wondering why my suggestions are stuck ‘in queue’ for too long. They fit the requirements and it doesn’t matter if they’re upgraded, they’re still in queue since 23/5/24. Almost 2 months!!! Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Which area/country are you in? There may be a lack of reviewers or a lot of Wayspots to be reviewed in that area.
For the name I would say is from a Hispanic country
Hola! No tienes que preocuparte si tus nominaciones tardan en recibir una resolución. En el pasado lo normal era que tardasen entre 6 meses y 2 años y medio en recibir una de forma natural, sin mejoras. Con la implementación de numerosos cambios, el tiempo de resolución parece haberse visto reducido en gran cantidad. Como te han comentado puede deberse a una falta de revisores en tu área o a una gran acumulación de nominaciones en la misma. Lo que puedo recomendarte es que 1) seas paciente a una resolución o 2) revises para obtener una mejora y aplicarla, haciendo más posible que se resuelva mucho más rápido, aunque no te lo asegure usarla.
If you ask here, someone might change their Bonus review location to your area, and help clean out the backlog. The Bonus location can be changed every 3 months.
I thought it was every year
In some areas it takes a while for nominations to go into voting, and then resolve. I have nominations that are in the queue from November of last year.
Patience is a virtue when it comes to Wayfarer. It’ll go through eventually.
Niantic changed the bonus change frequency to quarterly a year or so ago. But they didn’t update the text on the web site.
Now, more people are willing to try reviewing a new place for a bit, knowing they’re not going to be stuck there. It’s like free travel!
Originally from Salta, Argentina. I lived in different countries around the world and everything works fine there. But here… omg, this is like a ghost town.
Here is a link to them stating the four times a year. I also wish they would change the wording on the site, but that has to be far down the list on things to fix.
how about some of you come to Albania? nice fun wayspots, i promise.
Also im stuck in philadelphia and all i keep seeing is memorial benches and trail markers driving me bonkers. when are we getting a chanse to change?