3rd GYM was not triggered

Hi mods! This level 17 cell got its 20-21st pokestops but the was no triggered 3rd gym. Can someone please check on it?

Questions for you:

  1. Did you restart your game? You usually have to restart to see the new gym.

  2. Is there a sponsored gym in the L14? Those usually count towards the max of 3 if it is preexisting.

  3. What are you using to check the boundaries of the L14?

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A quick check to cross reference the cell map with Campfire shows that the three gyms in that cell are Musical Cherub Fountain, St. Anthony Parish, and Masbate Social Centre Mini Gazebo.


I posted the wrong coordinates omg sorry, can you please check again? There are already 3 gyms including 1 sponsored gym by 7 11. However, based on the stuff I read, sponsored gyms are not counted.

Sponsored Gyms do count towards the Gym limit in a Cell.


If you already had 3 natural gyms and a sponsored gym is added you don’t lose any gyms. So there are 4
If one of those natural gyms is removed then no replacement gym appears as the 2 remaining natural and 1 sponsored gym make up the 3 max.
If you only have 2 gyms at the start and a sponsored gym is added that takes you to your max of 3 gyms no matter how many pokestops there are.
If in this case the sponsored gym later goes and you have the required number of Pokestops then a 3 rd natural gym Will appear.

My view is that I would prefer sponsored gyms and stops not to count but that’s a Pokémon Go decision.
This is not directly wayfarer related. :sunglasses:


Comparing to Campfire, it looks like the three gyms in that L14 are the 7-11 and these which are also portals:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Face Of Jesus

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