While reviewing, I noticed that a couple of wayspots in Rijeka, Croatia, which should all be together on one “spot” are scattered around.
Graffiti Orijent Sušak
Current location: 45.322277, 14.469766
Where it should be: 45,3227551, 14,4702031
Ping Pong I
Current location: 45.322265, 14.469403
Where it should be: 45,3227093, 14,4702736
Ping Pong II
Current location: 45.322116, 14.470678
Where it should be: 45,3227367, 14,4702856
I noticed that while reviewing a wayspot that has also been misplaced, but I dragged the pin to the correct location, which is 45,3227548, 14,4703399