A living Pikachu is pictured in Wayspot's image

  • Wayspot Title: トウキョーベイのフォトスポット
  • Location: 35.686433, 139.988772
  • City: Funabashi, Chiba
  • Country: Japan
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email *: N/A
  • Additional Information:

Look at the list of images at the bottom of the video ; the second image shows a large Pikachu. This is a walking, dancing Pikachu that came to play with fans and children at a Greeding event.
I sent a report via the Abuse email form that there was a problem with the image, The contact number is #33138979. But the response was “We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not require any adjustments at this time." I thought perhaps the Japanese language did not convey the message well enough, so I responded by attaching the above video to my e-mail, asking them to watch it. However, the next response was “ We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not meet our criteria for removal at this time.”

Please check the scanned mesh in Lightship’s geospatial browser. There is no Pikachu of human stature.
I told them that the problematic image was registered, but they may have misunderstood because I responded in Japanese. I decided to post this on the forum because I thought that further email communication might not result in an understanding. Please consider removing the image again.

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Did you try help chat? There’s an option to request removal of images that do not meet criteria in the Wayspot Abuse section. I would also reference the ticket that you received for the email you sent, and let know it’s an image removal request, not a Wayspot removal request.

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Thanks for letting us know. I submitted the email form at the link below, but it may have been an error.

Yeah, they think you want to remove the Wayspot, not the photo. That’s why going through help chat on the Wayfarer website is the best way to handle this. You can also reply to the email and explain that you just want to remove 1 of the photos (a screenshot is fine to provide of said photo).

For future reference, here’s how to request a photo removal via help chat. On Wayfarer, click on Help if you’re not seeing the orange chat bubble in the bottom right, then click on the chat bubble. In help chat, click on Report Wayfarer Abuse, then Photo Issues.

This is the best way to go about reporting photos, as it’s specifically for reporting photos. Many of us here use it quite often; I actually have a few photos at a few different Wayspots I’m going to report soon.

Also, this isn’t something that can be appealed in Wayspot Appeals. This topic is just for appealing valid rejected Wayspot removal requests, or to ask that a removed Wayspot that still exists be restored.

@NianticLC , @NianticAtlas
I have been advised, but there should be no error in the procedure for reporting my photo issue. I will ask you once again to remove the images, and this will be the last report. Please note that the image in question has been increased by one more image to two. These are the two images marked with red circles.

In addition, I would like to report that there is a group that manipulates the images used. This is post X. It is the same Pokéstop gift image, but the image used is different. In fact, the day after it was posted on X that the event Pikachu image was used for the photodisk of this PokéStop, the number of thumbs-up for the left image decreased drastically and the right image was used. Presumably many of them withdrew their thumbs-up because they were in danger of being disposed of. It seems that there is a group that intentionally manipulates the images used in the photodisc. It might be a good idea to investigate in addition. This is the last report on this issue.

Hello again,

This topic, as previously mentioned, is not to request removal of ineligible Wayspot photos. You can do so on the Wayfarer website. You will want to click on Help, then the orange help bubble in the bottom right corner. Then you will want to choose Report Wayferer Abuse, then Photo Issues. You can even provide screenshots in help chat.

Please reread what Wayspot Appeals says before posting in this topic in the future:


このトピックは、前述のとおり、不適切な Wayspot 写真の削除をリクエストするものではありません。削除は Wayfarer の Web サイトで行うことができます。[ヘルプ] をクリックし、右下隅にあるオレンジ色のヘルプ バブルをクリックします。次に、[Wayferer の不正使用を報告] を選択し、[写真の問題] を選択します。ヘルプ チャットでスクリーンショットを提供することもできます。

今後このトピックに投稿する前に、Wayspot の異議申し立てについてもう一度お読みください。

推薦の異議申し立ては、推薦と編集の両方について、投稿管理ページ内で行う必要があります。ここでは、却下された無効な Wayspot レポートに対して異議申し立てを行ったり、削除基準を満たしていない場合は削除された Wayspot を復元するようリクエストしたりできます。(推薦と編集の異議申し立ては受け付けられません)

Thanks for always looking out for me.
However, as I already mentioned, I have already sent you a report once following the correct procedure, and because of the miscommunication that occurred, I am reporting it here. I recognize that the procedure you are advising me to follow is also the correct one, but the procedure I have already followed is also the correct one.
To be frank, if the team will not do any maintenance on Wayspot after this last report, I will be fine with that now.
Best regards.

I report photos using the help chat all the time, and have had no issues with them understanding what I’m asking for. I find this to be the better option to use than the Report Abuse weblink.

You can also reply back to the email you received and explain further that you are reporting invalid photos. Again, I think they misunderstand you. Keep in mind that you do not have to respond back in English, as they do have staff that are able to read Japanese.

I really don’t feel you have done enough with the email reply; again, they seem to misunderstand what you are asking for, and a simply email reply would help clear things up.

There’s nothing wrong with following through with a report here in the forums specially if you think theres a mistake or misunderstanding. Niantic has said before they like to know when their processes might get it wrong and the forums can offer that closure.


Could you at least move this to a different topic then?