A warning for no reason , can someone please advise or help so this doesn’t happen again?

Did the email say thats what caused it?
If you have evidence that the warning was not warranted, you can appeal it presenting said evidence.

It’s possible that your nomination didn’t meet criteria, as it sounds like it was a crosswalk in the middle of a street, which is both infrastructure and indistinct, as well as unsafe for a pedestrians to stand in the middle of to play a game if there’s also vehicle traffic in the street.

We’re more than happy to help with nominations here, and there is a separate topic for it: Nomination Support. We can take a look and see if your nominations meet criteria and any improvements that could be made. You may also want to review Wayspot criteria, to know what is and isn’t eligible, which can be found here:

4 posts were split to a new topic: A warning for no reason

There were multiple issues with your nomination:

  1. Streets are considered infrastructure and are not eligible
  2. The main image has a watermark
  3. There is a person in focus in the main image

I encourage you to post your nomination in the Nomination Support category to get community feedback.


A new entry of possible gender swapped Aaron now.

Thanks Apple Podcasts.

Well an update , looks like I’ve got to start the appeal process again , as I went away for a couple of days and Niantic closed the case , I’d just uploaded new GPS Tagged photo’s as well. :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:

Case : 34506328

Help!! @NianticAaron

I swear it’s almost as if they make it difficult to appeal so nobody bothers, all I was doing was trying to improve map accuracy.

Finally a solution , it would appear after talking to support and sending supporting information , that the strike against my account and replaced with a email warning. It would seem that by editing my original triggered a warning as the edit was so small. Lesson learnt now.

Many thanks to all people who helped and advised , and of course to all the support staff , who are in fact human :sunglasses: despite popular misconceptions.



Shouldn’t Niantic perhaps announce to the community that they no longer want to receive small location edits? (Or at least warn us in-app that if your team deems an edit ‘too small, equivalent, or unnecessary’ you will consider it abusive?

Why must helpful customers get the full criminal treatment?