Unfair account suspension and inadequate support

Edit: The Pokestop/waypoint, which was completely valid, was also removed without any indication or reasoning

I had submitted a waypoint location edit a little while back, and thought nothing of it until I had a 30 day suspension warning on my Pokemon Go account. I appealed the ban and explained how I thought there wasn’t an issue with the edit, but the email back to me and all other emails I got when asking for clarification were unhelpful and very vague. First, all the possible reasons for a ban were listed, then I was told I had violated [insert reason] and that they couldn’t provide specific information as to why I was banned. What should I do now?

Welcome to the forum @DragonMaster755

Firstly, are you absolutely sure your suspension is due to Niantic Wayfarer and not due to any activity in Pokémon Go itself? We often get people posting here who think their suspension is wayfarer related, but then it turns out it wasn’t to do with wayfarer.

Usually if there’s an issue with Wayfarer, the Wayfarer team will send you an email which tells you which wayfarer rule you violated and which wayspot the violation applied to.

Normally if it’s a first time offence, all you’ll get is a warning email (again, it would tell you which wayspot the warning is for and what rule you broke), though if the abuse is deemed severe enough, they can take the option to skip that step.

If you are sure that it’s wayfarer related and that it’s specifically to do with an edit you submitted, would you be comfortable sharing what the edit was?


It’s not visible to you since it happened in a discord chat but the situation that this user received extremely erratic emails is correct

Yes, it is definitely a wayfarer problem, and I have received multiple emails from the team, mostly in response to questions about the ban. However, they have not listened to my reasoning about the location edit and instead responded to me with very unhelpful emails and won’t tell me what about the edit was ban able.

(This instance resulted in a suspension since I already had a warning, which is something that was completely my fault :/)
The edit was on a Pokestop I nominated a little while ago at a public sports field near a school, and I had requested a move so the stop wouldn’t be directly on the field. I guess it was seen as abuse due to K-12 proximity, but I thought nothing of it at the time.

Hopefully staff can send you a DM with additional info. At this point, they are the only ones that know what is fully going on, so we can only speculate.

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I have responded to you through a DM with additional details. Please check it at your convenience. Thanks,