Abuse Ridden Park

This post will be for Waypoints in Carl Levin Park, Harker Heights, TX, USA. I started noticing waypoints practically right on top of each other in Pokémon Go so that’s where I’m starting off from, no doubt there are errors in ingress and possibly more that are in neither game (after typing this I was able to check the submission screen for nominating new waypoints to see maybe all the stuff?).

I want to note:
•this park and surrounding areas have been abused in Open Street Maps also, with various users attempting to extend the park out onto private property.
•this park has a memorial tree program with semi-permanent placards at each tree that are being phased out as they become defaced or otherwise illegible, if someone pays for them, engraved bricks may replace placards info here
•some of the locations are approximate as the only source to identify waypoints came from the submission screen in Pokémon Go and exact coordinates are not available
•I have endeavored to add all these memorials to Open Street Maps as best I can so any new submissions can be cross referenced
•a couple things from outside the park but still in the general area slipped in because I had to search for things

First up, incorrect locations (some edits included below location info):

MAJ Lawrence D Smith Memorial
Currently located: 31.070961, -97.659916
Actual location: 31.0685048, -97.6613138
Better Title: MAJ Lawrence D. & Lucille Smith

Mayors Monarch Pollinator Garden
Current location: 31.0701210, -97.6610826
Actual location: 31.066977, -97.664688
Supporting info: City of Harker Heights notes the location as outside the park

CSM James Blankenbecler Memorial
Currently located: 31.070622, -97.660079
Actual location: 31.0683717, -97.6622558

Military Memorial
Currently located: 31.067835, -97.662911
Actual location: 31.068056, -97.663056
Correction: 31.068330, -97.663225

CWO Robinson memorial
Currently located: 31.070136, -97.660219
Actual location: 31.068611, -97.661944
Better Title: CWO James “Ray” Robinson Memorial

Sergeant Major Jody Ann Gearge Memorial
Currently located: 31.070269,-97.660876
Actual location: 31.0678483, -97.6619242
Better Title: Sergeant Major Jody Ann George Memorial

Carl Levin Fountain
Current location: 31.068429, -97.661636
Actual location: 31.0684307, -97.6617592

Carl Levin Community Board
Current location: 31.068293, -97.663234
Actual location: 31.0682974, -97.6631811

James Kyle Hubert Memorial Tree
Current location: 31.069123, -97.664571
Actual location: (unknown) Removed?
Main photo shows tree dedicated to Bettye Jane Hardeman

Soldierfor life bench
Current location: 31.068138, -97.662902
Actual location: 31.0681395, -97.6628784
Better Title: Soldier for Life Bench

CSM Elijah King Memorial
Current location: (removed?)
Actual location: 31.068056, -97.662778

Danny M Carruthert Memorial
Current location: 31.069609,-97.661052
Actual location: 31.0695780, -97.6610179
Better Title: Danny M. Carruthers Memorial

Comanche Gap Historical Marker
Current location: 31.067385, -97.665072
Actual temporary location of physical object: 31.0672428, -97.664750
Proper location: 31.051792, -97.633431
Additional info: This Historical Marker is temporarily being displayed here as seen in this picture; also there appears to be a duplicate in the exact same current location as a pokestop and power spot have been here simultaneously.

Sam Murphey Memorial
Current location: 31.066398, -97.665015
Actual location: 31.0664807, -97.6650486
Description edit: Retired US Army Lt. Col. Sam Murphey who is known throughout Central Texas for his military service. A Vietnam War vet and Harker Heights City Council member.

Little Free Library
Current Location: 31.069186, -97.664876
Actual Location: 31.0692928, -97.6648320
Note: There are two free little libraries here each with it’s own charter number

Melanie Ann Carlson Memorial
Appx. current location: 31.068997, -97.664667
Actual location: 31.069058, -97.664616

Sit-up station
Appx. current location: 31.068886, -97.664733
Actual location: 31.068913, -97.664723
Better title: Sit-up Station

Trail Marker Tree Margaret Bea Abrahams
Appx. current location: 31.068950, -97.663856
No Longer Exists or not at this location (so far I have been unable to find this marker)

Betty Jo Minkus Memorial
Appx. current location: 31.069580, -97.661129
Actual location: 31.069619, -97.661152

Stone dedicated to Kyesha Lashell Harris-Foster
Current location: 31.069404, -97.661279
Actual location: 31.069520, -97.661204
Better title: Kyesha Lashell Harris-Foster
Better description: In Memory of a Loving Mother, Daughter, and Wife

Dudan Kelly Hendrick Memorial
Appx. current location: 31.068780, -97.661295
Actual location: 31.068681, -97.661302
Better title: Susan Kelly Hendrick Memorial Bench
Better description: Your beautiful smile and free spirit will live on in our hearts forever

Carl Levin Friendship Gazebo
Appx. current location: 31.068430, -97.662147
Actual location: 31.068463, -97.662170

In Honor of LTC Carlos De Los Santos Jr.
Appx. current location: 31.067908, -97.661880
Actual location: 31.067920, -97.661883

Next up, duplicates:

Maj. Lawrence D Memorial
Current location: 31.070077, -97.660878
Duplicate of incorrect location (see MAJ Lawrence D Smith Memorial above)

Lastly, no biggie edits:

Current title: Dedication to Walter A. McKelbaine
Title Edit: Dedication to Walter A. McKelvaine
Current location: 31.069677, -97.662963

Current title: Walter Charles Hagen Memorial
Current description: memorial at the park
Description edit: Memorial along Carl Levin Park’s walking trail to an American Professional Golfer who won 11 major tournaments

Current title: playground
Title edit: Playground
Current description: Kid able to play and exercise on this jungle gym
Description edit: Kids can play and exercise at this jungle gym
Appx. current location: 31.069325, -97.664438

Current title: Basketball Hoops at the big park
Better title: Carl Levin Park Basketball Court
Appx. current location: 31.069030, -97.664071
Current location is on the court and would be safer to move to one edge of the court to not interfere with basketball players. Would suggest the best choice for pedestrian access to be where the sidewalk meets the court at (31.069087, -97.663947)


There is a Report Abuse link at the top of the forums, and it allows you to report anonymously; the forums are public. Here is the direct link:

Perfectly happy to report this publicly. :upside_down_face:

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I do not know if this will get attention from Niantic posted here. It is better to send this to the team directly using the Reporting Abuse method linked at the top of the forum. Then if the reports are rejected, you can post the rejected report in Wayspot Appeals

They do sometimes address massive situations from forum posts, so good luck.

Ah okay, well I compiled everything over a couple months in this post so it was easy to hit submit :sweat_smile: if nothing happens after awhile I’ll look at the report form

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They do usually pick up those posted here.

Yes, staff usually does, thus why I mentioned using the link to report anonomyusly instead of publicly. I just prefer using the link or help chat on the Wayfarer website. I don’t want anyone to come after me for reporting abuse publicly.

Used the report link yesterday, I believe, already seeing some corrections today!


The Military Memorial waypoint and Carl Levin Community Board waypoint both got moved but neither show up in Pokémon Go now. They occupy the same cell with nothing else in the cell to prevent one of them to be there.

Can you post the details to Bug Reports & Technical Support sometimes it needs a fix or it could be deliberately blocked.
