Is there any way to report wayspots, no matter where you are? There was this wayspot on school property, along with 2 others. I didn’t realize that there were 2 more on school property, so I was only able to report the one.
Wayspot #1 Name: Robbie Hanson Memorial Plaque
Wayspot #1 Location: 42.051061, -93.619425
Wayspot #2 Name: Robbie Hanson Memorial Ball Field
Wayspot #2 Location: 42.050885, -93.619519
@NianticAaron could you please remove these wayspots?
Yes, there are two reporting forms at the top here. I prefer the “Reporting Abuse” form. Niantic will decide if it is actually abuse. You can also use the “Wayspot Removals” form for the property owner but I find that one harder to use. If you do use that one, you can fill in that you are NOT the property owner, and then ignore the automated email asking you for proof that you ARE the property owner.
If you have the dynamic link you can also report through Ingress. But I am not able to explain how to get that.
What am I supposed to report it for?
Huh? Didn’t you ask about reporting these for removal because they are at at preschool? Did I misunderstand your question?
But when I click on “Reporting Abuse” what an I supposed to report it for?
Go ahead and start the report and I think it will make sense to you. If you get stuck anywhere, post a screenshot (that doesn’t include your personal information) and we can help with that step.
Fake Nominations or criteria issues